As soon as he saw his mother, he bit her earlobe. 当他看到他的母亲,他咬了她耳垂。
This article is the investigation to the students of Binzhou university in thumb, ring finger food type, Wen-penetration, rolling and the earlobe. 文章对滨州学院在校学生的拇指类型、食环指类型、通贯纹、卷舌、耳垂五对性状进行了抽样调查,研究分析其遗传方式。
The finger tip that uses you draws a circle on his right earlobe, play a note to his earhole again, let him produce the pleasure of a limp and numb. 用你的指尖在他的右耳垂上画圆,再对着他的耳孔吹口气,让他产生一股酥麻的快感。
Objective To summarize the experience for treatment of earlobe scar with YAG-laser. 目的总结YAG激光治疗耳垂瘢痕疙瘩经验。
As Tracy McGrady watched in a fancy sweater and the diamond stud in his earlobe, the Rockets pulled on their overalls and put in an honest night's work. 麦迪穿着花哨的汗衫,耳垂上吊着钻石串,悠闲地看着队友们穿上运动衣,兢兢业业地奉献了一整晚的比赛。
If you tear all the defects of the ear lobe, mastoid area in a self-folding flap reconstruction earlobe, ear lobe greater than the original design should, if necessary, may flap delay. 如果你的耳垂全部撕裂缺损了,可在乳突部位一自行折叠皮瓣再造耳垂,设计时应较原耳垂较大,必要时可将皮瓣迟延。
Jewelry to ornament the ear; usually clipped to the earlobe or fastened through a hole in the lobe. 装饰耳朵的珠宝;通常是夹到耳垂上或是固定在耳垂上的洞上。
As they pedal a cycle ergometer at various levels of exertion, a doctor takes blood samples from an earlobe. A special device then measures the concentration of lactate in the blood. 他们踏板一个周期来测量各种不同的劳累水平,医生从耳垂采取血液样本,然后,用一个特殊的设备来测量血液中乳酸的浓度。
The pulse oximeter is a noninvasive monitor attached to the patient's finger or earlobe to measure oxygen saturation continuously. 脉氧仪显示病人氧饱和度,这是一种非侵入式监测仪,套在病人指头或耳垂上连续监测氧饱和度。
"I have had an earpiece implanted in my earlobe and a speaker in a tooth," he explains afterwards. 他后来解释道:我把手机听筒植入了耳垂,把扬声器植入了牙齿。
For the older child, measure from earlobe to bridge of nose to xiphoid. 较大的儿童应量耳垂到鼻梁再到剑突的长度。
Attach the clip to an earlobe or the web of skin between thumb and index finger. 将此夹夹在某个耳垂或拇指与食指之间的皮肤上。
Methods: 48 objects were examined continuously using earlobe blood sample. 方法:对48例筑路工人采用耳垂血进行同体连续Hb测定;
Comparative Study on Testosterone, Free Testosterone and Cortisol Assay by Using Earlobe and Vein Blood 动脉化耳垂血与静脉血总睾酮、游离睾酮、皮质醇的对比
There was no sex distinction in density of cortisol and no remarkable difference between cortisol of earlobe blood and vein blood. There was remarkable relevance only between male cortisol of earlobe blood and vein blood. 血皮质醇浓度无性别差异,动脉化耳垂血、静脉血皮质醇之间也无显著性差异,男子耳垂血与静脉血皮质醇之间显著相关。
Results: Activation and artifact were occurred in EEG record with earlobe reference electrode, but its wave amplitude was higher and bilateral brain wave of median line was more accurate. 结果:耳垂参考电极有活化现象和伪迹干扰,但波幅高,中线两侧脑波失真较少。
Determination of Zn in micro whole blood samples from human's earlobe by pluse nebulization technique flame atomic absorption spectrometry 脉冲雾化火焰原子吸收法测定人耳微量全血中的锌
Y-V advancement technique in repairing congenital earlobe cleft Y-V推进法修复先天性耳垂裂
A little blood of earlobe from 216 healthy children and 63 children with tuberculosis were assayed for IgG antibody to purified protein derivative ( PPD) of tuberculin with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA). 为了探讨小儿结核病的血清学诊断方法,作者用ELISA法检测了216例健康儿童及63例结核病患儿微量耳垂血中抗结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物抗体(抗PPDIgG)水平。
The feasibility of a new earlobe sensor for monitoring pulse oxygen saturation in children 改良法无创监测儿童脉搏氧饱和度的可行性研究
Determing the level of carbamazepine in earlobe plasma by TLCS 薄层扫描法测定卡马西平耳垂血药浓度
Methods Two tongue-shaped flaps raised just beside the cleft of the earlobe were revolved and lap-jointed to repair the hypoplastic earlobe cleft. 方法将耳垂裂隙局部形成的双舌形皮瓣旋转、瓦合,治疗先天缺损型耳垂裂。
The results indicated that the use of temporal arterial pressure pulse wave can assure the accuracy of the inflation time, avoid the potential danger existed in earlobe plethysmogram and provide a reliable base for automatic control of inflation time in ECP. 结果表明,采用颞脉压力波可以保证反搏充气时间的准确性,避免了耳脉波存在的潜在危险性,并为反搏充气时间的自动控制提供了安全可靠的依据。
Objective To provide a new method for the repair of congenital earlobe cleft. 目的介绍一种修复先天性耳垂裂的新方法。
Double tongue-shaped flap repair of the hypoplastic earlobe cleft 双舌形皮瓣修复先天缺损型耳垂裂