东方人;东部人;(尤指)美国东海岸人 An easterner is a person who was born in or who lives in the eastern part of a place or country, especially an American from the East Coast of the USA.
Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between 'easterners' and 'westerners' 由于“东方人”和“西方人”之间存在巨大的分歧,战争期间的战略方针没有得到切实的执行。
It will take another generation, Mr Schneider believes, before easterners and westerners overcome the mutual suspicion created by their ideological separation. But ironically, it is in Berlin that the divide is weakest. 施奈德认为,还要再经过一代人,东西德人才能克服由于意识形态分歧而产生的相互猜忌。但具有讽刺意味的是,这种心理隔阂在柏林却体现得最为淡漠。
Amid a general atmosphere of global panic, the same could be said of plenty of savers outside Europe: Russians, Middle Easterners, Chinese, you name it. 在全球恐慌的大环境下,可以说欧洲之外的储户也是如此:俄罗斯人、中东人、中国人,不一而足。
The number of Middle Easterners studying in American colleges, for instance, has nearly doubled in the past five years. 例如,在过去的五年里,美国各大学中来自中东国家的学生数量几乎翻了一番。
"We show that Easterners and Westerners look at different face features to read facial expressions," Jack said. 我们展示出,对不同的面部表达时,东方人和欧洲人看起来有不同的面部特点。
But the possibility that foreign students ( especially Middle Easterners and South Asians) might be endangered caused concern, especially in light of certain events that followed. 但是外国学生(特别是中东和南亚的学生)可能会有危险引起了关注,特别是考虑到随后发生的某些事情。
When Easterners take in a scenes, they tend to focus more on the context as well as the object: the whole block, say, rather than the BMW parked in the foreground. 当东方人游览景观时,他们往往既记住物体,又同样关注环境。比如说,他们既关注停在前景的宝马车,也同样关注整个街区。
Truth is, nowadays Easterners and Westerners meet quite often. 事实上,当今东方人与西方人时常碰面。
This appears to have given each part of Libya a sense of having delivered its own "liberation", as opposed to having been conquered by easterners. 这似乎是给全体利比亚人民一种感觉:每个城市在进行自身的“解放运动”,并非是被东部班加西地区的人们统领。
The world outlook of the Easterners results from "Taiji", which is the symbiotic universe platform. 东方人的宇宙观源于太极,太极就是宇宙万物的共生平台。
Most easterners seem to realise how valuable it was that a united leadership filled the power vacuum so quickly. 绝大多数反对派都意识到:一个联合政府迅速填补利比亚的权力真空是多么重要。
Otherwise, when it comes to communicating emotions across cultures, Easterners and Westerners will find themselves lost in translation. 此外,当越过文化开始交流情感时,东方人和西方人将找出在翻译里失去的东西。
Not Alexander the great slaughtering the easterners or the westerners, nor is Genghis Khan the barbarian destroying the culture of Europeans. 并非亚历山大国王征戮欧非亚,亦非成吉思汗践踏欧洲文明;
On the other hand, some theorists suggested that Easterners can self-enhance and regarded the importance of behaviors and traits as a mediating variable. 然而,另外一些学者则认为东亚人同样会表现出自我增强,其中对自我的重要性被看作是一个重要的中介变量。
The cultural-self perspective challenged the universality of self-enhancement. It was argued that Easterners do not own the same positive self-regard as the Westerners. 文化自我观点质疑自我增强(self-enhancement)的跨文化普遍性,认为东亚人并非像西方人一样拥有对自我保持积极评价的需要,而是自我提升(self-improvement)。
However, the knowledge and understanding of beauty for easterners and westerners are not quite the same because of their different cultural traditions. 因此,西方和东方因为文化传统不同,所以他们对美的认识,对美的理解也并不是十分相同的。
It is the stereotype of the East and the Easterners in Western culture that has him be a victim. 西方文化对东方的思维定势使他成为牺牲品。
Easterners and westerners, because of their different perceptions of the universe, differ in cultural thought patterns and the use of languages. 由于对宇宙感知的角度不同,东方人和西方人在文化思维模式和语言表达方式方面存在着差异。