Either; eave the default values for all of the other options or change them according to your needs, and click Finish. 保持所有其他选项的默认值不变,或者根据您的需要更改它,然后点击Finish。
The sparrow brace in the shape of a horse, usually built between two gate posts and under the eave, is a special feature of ancient architectures. 骑马雀替多在门头两柱之间、额枋之下,是古建筑特色构件之一,在清代演变为纯装饰构件,形式内容丰富。
Trivial rain falls to ground drops, maybe on being able to have swallow having soaked by heavy rain to stand in wire, beneath the house eave the tweet song. 细小的雨滴滴落在地上,也许还会有曾被大雨淋湿的燕子站在电线上,房子的屋檐底下啾啾的鸣叫。
But et; s eave that to another appontment. 但是让我们离开那个,去另外个约会吧。
The manual stamping or casting is used to mold eave tile, drip tile, tile with animals, nail head and glassless window. 琉璃瓦中的勾头,滴水瓦件以及走兽、钉帽、花窗和正吻、垂兽等构件采用手工成型或注浆成型。
The head and eave of the gate are well decorated with brick carvings. 门的头和房檐用砖雕刻很好装饰。
The Studies on Eave Tile in the Modern Environmental Design 瓦当艺术在现代环境艺术中设计中的应用研究
Application of Lightweight Decorative Materials to Building Eave Reconstruct Design 轻型装饰材料在建筑外檐改造设计中的应用
The most beautiful one is not the rainy day, It is the eave that once sheltered you and me. 最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。&《不能说的秘密》。
With Granny Yinjiao, she liked enjoying the cool by the riverside, basking in the sun under the eave, listening to her wadding. 她愿意与银娇奶奶一起在小河边上乘凉,愿意与银娇奶奶一起在屋檐下晒太阳,愿意听银娇奶奶絮絮叨叨地说话。
The pavilion is open with a stele hanging on the eave inscribed by the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. 亭身是空透的,亭檐上悬挂着清朝乾隆皇帝书写的历下亭匾额。
It is said that man has to lower his head when he standing under his supervisor's eave. 孔子认为,人真正的大智慧是来自天性,有了天性的识或曰神识我们才有生命。
In New England, a special rubberized membrane is installed along the eave to provide extra protection from ice dams and water backup. 在新英格兰,沿着屋檐铺设一种特殊的橡胶类的防水卷材,以提供额外的保护来抵御冰坨和积水。
Though swallow fear human so much, they still build nests under eave of human's house. 纵然,燕子是这么的惧怕人类,可是它却偏偏要在人们居住的屋檐下筑巢。
Let; s eave the WHTE ones Tak n peace. 让我们留白色的,和平的谈谈。
Under the world eave and among Chinese halls. 在世界的屋檐下,在中国的厅堂间。
Increase window head to eave distance. 增加窗上口和檐口的距离。
Eave wall and the bottom should shoot and should not be handled without drilling holes in the wrong. 檐口和墙下端应呈直线,不应有未经处理的错钻孔洞。
Run the cable along the eave and down the side of the house. 沿着屋檐下面房子的一边布线。
I ran to the door, reaching up automatically to grab the key under the eave. 我跑向大门,本能地伸出手去取屋檐下的钥匙。
The vertical spread of fire along the external wall is affected not only by the building-height and window dimensions, but also by the protrude components such as balcony, windowsill and fireproof eave, etc. 火焰沿外墙面竖直向上的传播速度,不仅要受到建筑高度、开窗尺寸的影响,而且还受到墙外凸出构件,如阳台、窗台、防火挑檐等因素的影响。
The axially load bearing capacity of eave column of the wooden frame palace with Dougong of Qing Dynasty had great safety margin. 清代大式殿堂体系的檐柱的轴心受力性能有很大的安全储备。
Some Primary Discussion on Rules of Proportion in Plans and Elevations of Single-eave Buildings of Tang-Song Periods 关于唐宋单檐木构建筑平立面比例问题的一些初步探讨
The peak suction absolute values near the roof ridge increase and those values near the windward-side eave decrease with the increasing roof pitch. 屋脊处的峰值吸力绝对值随着坡角增加而增大,迎风屋檐处的峰值吸力随着坡角增加而减小。
Typical roofing sidewall bracing are composed of the round steel bar or cross steel cable, eave struts and the column on the two sides. 典型的侧墙支撑由圆钢或钢索交叉、檐口压杆及两边的柱构成。
Eaves tiles were the common specific drooping parts on the top of the eave canister in our ancient architecture, their functions were waterproof, dewatering and the protection of the eave. 瓦当是我国古代建筑中常用的屋檐筒顶端下垂的特定部分,主要功能是防水、排水、保护屋檐。
Whereas, the irregular parts such as the eave need adopting the method for construction TIN with restriction of border conditon which constructs irregular triangle net with the scattered feature points selected for describing the entity to present the surface of the ancient building. 不规则部件,如屋檐,就需要采用带边界约束条件的构网方法将部件上的选取的描述实体的离散特征点构成不规则三角网来表示实体的表面。