Mount the EBS device on/ ebsvol. 将EBS设备挂载在/ebsvol上。
The first step in setting up EBS is to tell Amazon you want to create a volume. 建立EBS的第一步是通知Amazon您想要创建一个卷。
EBS volume snapshots are taken often, and they are stored in S3. 经常要用到EBS存储卷快照,它们存储在S3中。
Attach the EBS volume to the instance with ec2-attach-volume. 使用ec2-attach-volume附加EBS卷到实例。
The procedure to restore an EBS volume is almost identical to creating a new one. 恢复一个EBS卷的过程同创建一个新卷大致一样。
EBS provides a persistent store. EBS提供持久化存储。
One restriction of EBS is that the volume can only be mounted in the availability zone in which it was created. EBS的一个限制是卷只能挂载到创建它所在的可用性区域中。
This is good for availability but doesn't help if an administrator accidentally destroys critical data or if the EBS volume fails. 这对可用性是有好处的,但如果管理员无意中销毁了关键数据或者EBS卷发生故障,这就不能发挥作用了。
As you may know, Oracle EBS is a database-based system, so the scenario is close to the use case here. 正如您可能了解的一样,OracleEBS是一个基于数据库的系统,因此与我们现在面对的场景十分相近。
If your EBS volume fails or if you need to restore old data from EBS, you will need to restore from your last snapshot. 如果您的EBS卷发生故障或者要从EBS恢复旧数据,就需要从最近的快照中恢复。
If your live AWS instance fails, you can start a new instance and reuse the existing EBS storage to restore your server. 如果活动AWS实例失败了,您可以启动一个新实例并重用现有的EBS存储恢复服务器。
EBS provides a snapshot feature that stores a copy of the volume in Amazon S3. EBS提供快照功能,可以在AmazonS3中存储卷的副本。
If your server crashes, you can reattach the EBS volume to another server. 如果您的服务器崩溃,您可以将EBS卷附加到另一个服务器上。
As a final bonus, EBS storage has a higher I/ O capacity than the instance storage. 作为一点优势是,EBS存储比起实例存储有一个较高的I/O容量。
You will be able to use the freezing features of XFS along with the EBS snapshots to make consistent backups. 您将可以使用XFS的冻结特性以及EBS快照来进行一致的备份。
Even though RAID and LVM provide interesting features, XFS is the simplest option for a relatively small EBS volume. 即使RAID和LVM提供了有趣的特性,对于一个相对较小的EBS卷来说XFS也是最简单的选择。
You have an EBS volume mounted on/ ebsvol and need to move the PostgreSQL data over. 您已经在/ebsvol上挂载了一个EBS卷,需要将PostgreSQL数据移入。
Move the whole directory tree to the EBS store. 移动整个目录树到EBS存储。
To be precise, an EBS snapshot stores the differences since the last snapshot. 确切地说,EBS快照存储的是与上次快照的差异。
Although this technique would work, a cleaner option is to clone the data from the EBS volume to/ var/ lib/ pgsql. 尽管这个技术很不错,但是一个更简洁的选择是从EBS卷克隆数据到/var/lib/pgsql。
The query for EBS is complex and returns accounts depending on a timestamp. 用来查询EBS的语句很复杂,并且会按照时间戳返回账户集合。
And some servers aren't necessary anymore as EBS handles backups so database slave servers are no longer required. 除此以外,有些服务器也不再需要了,因为EBS会处理备份,因此也无需数据库同步服务器了。
This article analyzes the reason why there are defects on the film surface of powder coatings, and introduced the specific application of EBS in powder coatings. 分析了粉末涂料涂膜表商产生缺陷的原因,介绍了乙撑双硬脂酰胺(EBS)在粉末涂料中的应用。
The cells could be differentiated to form EBs again, and could be re-expanded from secondary EBs. 细胞能反复传代,并可在体外再次分化和残留。
A software function that allows you to read the front and rear axle loads on trucks equipped with EBS and air suspension. 使用该软件功能,您可以在安装了EBS和空气悬挂的卡车上读取前、后轴的载荷。
If it has been backed up using Elastic Block Store ( EBS), users should be able to start and restart the instance and it will be migrated to different hardware. 如果已经用弹性块存储(EBS)进行了备份,那么用户可重新启动实例,但是会移入不同的硬件。
Today Amazon moved to address this issue with the release of Elastic Block Storage ( EBS). 如今亚马逊已经可以利用弹性块存储(EBS)来解决这个问题了。
EBS comes in two editions: Standard and Premium. EBS有两个版本:标准版和高级版。
I possess good human relations skills and be able to organize, develop, and deliver EBS training program. 本人具有良好的人际关系技巧,能够组织,制定和实施EBS培训计划。
If EBS were to experience a problem, all dependent service could also experience failures. 如果EBS遇到了问题,所有依赖它的服务都会发生故障。