So when a person is exposed to frigid environments after being in the summer heat, the body 'will do whatever it can to defend itself against chilling,' Prof. Eccles says. 埃克尔斯说,因此,当人在夏季的酷热中待了一段时间后,接着进入寒冷的环境,人体会尽一切努力为自己御寒。
Professor Ron Eccles, director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University in Wales, which performs clinical trials for treatments for coughs, colds and flu, explains why keeping a sweater at work isn't such a bad idea. 威尔士卡迪夫大学(CardiffUniversityinWales)普通感冒中心负责人、教授埃克尔斯(RonEccles)解释了为何在办公室中放一件套衫并不是个坏主意。该中心为咳嗽、感冒和流感疗法进行临床试验。
'If you were to look into a throat, you could see it go from a nice pink-red to a very pale color,' says Prof. Eccles. 埃克尔斯说,如果检查一下喉咙,你会发现喉咙从正常的粉红色变成一种非常灰白的颜色。
'You can see this when someone suddenly goes into a very cold building, they go pale or their skin mottles,' says Prof. Eccles. 埃克尔斯说,有的人突然进入一座非常冷的楼里时,他们会面色发白或皮肤起斑点,原因就在于此。
'If there isn't as much blood flow to the throat, there aren't enough white blood cells to ward off infection,' Prof. Eccles says. 埃克尔斯说,如果喉咙的血流减少,就没有足够多的白血球来预防感染。
2001 niu art museum, chicago gallery, chicago, il, usa nora eccles harrison museum of art, logan, ut, usa. 2001年美国伊利诺斯州北州立大学美术馆,芝加哥画廊,芝加哥市。
Ian Stewart, MP for Eccles ( Manchester) and an IPT supporter, believes it is a key part of his role to promote business in his constituency. 埃克尔斯(Eccles,曼彻斯特地区)下议院议员伊恩•斯图尔特(IanStewart)是IPT的拥护者,认为自己的关键职责之一是在选区内宣传商业。
After a while he formed a writing team with Charles Brackett. For another a constable off duty cuddled her in Eccles Lane. 过了一段时间,他同查尔斯?布雷克特组成了一个写作班子,她属于另一个男人,下了班的警察在埃克尔斯街上搂抱她来着。
This study mainly introduces the concept of task value and the components of task value. 本文阐述了任务价值及各组成要素的概念,并在Eccles等人任务价值量表的基础上编制了新的数学和语文任务价值问卷。
This part describes the theory of Eccles on the interaction of mind and body, and pointed out that the basis of physical and mental interaction that is to contact the brain, and further pointed out that the role of contact structure of the brain. 这一部分主要阐述埃克尔斯关于心与身相互作用的理论,并指出心身相互作用的基础即是联络脑,并进一步指出联络脑的结构作用等。