Wolfgang Eder, chief executive of Voestalpine, the Austrian steelmaker, told the financial times that miners would start to lose the upper hand in contract negotiations in 18 months. 奥地利钢铁制造商奥钢联集团(voestalpine)首席执行官沃尔夫冈埃德尔(wolfgangeder)向英国《金融时报》表示,18个月后,在合同谈判中,矿商将开始丧失主动权。
In the meantime, Eurofer has written to the European Commission demanding an investigation into possible anti-competitive practices by large iron ore suppliers. We are sometimes a bit surprised at how similar the pricing of the big miners is, Mr Eder said. 与此同时,欧洲钢铁工业协会已致信欧盟委员会(EC),要求对大型铁矿石供应商可能的反竞争行为展开调查。有些时候,大型矿商的定价非常相似,这让我们感到奇怪,埃德尔表示。
I have confirmed that Eder was from the United States and was a U. 我已证实埃德来自美国是美国公民。
Objective: To study the clinical effect of external counterpulsation therapy in the eder chronic diseases, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and so on. 目的:探讨体外反搏器治疗老年糖尿病、冠心病和高血压等慢性疾病的疗效。