Demonstrations, films, and videotapes are shown for your edification. 采用了演示及播放电影和录像带的形式,以起到教育作用。
He had learned this during his edification with his grandmother who was now long dead. 这一知识是他早已去世的祖母教给他的。
'If you want to ask for edification on these things of moment, there's a very earnest good man going to preach a charity-sermon to-day in the parish you are going to-Mr Clare of Emminster. 要是你想在这些问题上得到启发,在你要去的那个教区,今天有一个非常热心的好人要去作慈善讲道,他就是爱敏寺的克莱尔先生。
There is an inseparable relationship between the edification of a good learning style and the cultivation of college students'good characters. 优良学风的熏陶、濡养与大学生良好品质形成具有密不可分的关系。
The Cambridge University Assurance System of Teaching Quality and Its Edification to Higher Education of Our Country 剑桥大学教学质量保障体系及其对我国高等教育的启示
I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification. 我看电视大多是为了消遣而不是为受教育。
Many thanks to Professor Liu's wonderful presentation! Great edification! 感谢浙大刘教授今天精彩的演讲,好棒的启发!
Some of them, when they hear edification from their teacher, become very delighted, as if they have obtained the truth. 其中有一类人,他们一听到老师的教诲,就高兴得不得了,以为已经获知了真理。
But the education of full-time is of exert a subtle influence on, self-study does not come to the edification of the culture in university campus and thought. 可是全日制的教育是潜移默化的,大学校园里的文化和思想的熏陶是自学不来的。
Deepening their edification of traditional Chinese culture of filial piety can cultivate their spirit of constantly striving to become stronger, patriotism, and their social ability. 加强对他们进行传统孝文化的熏陶有利于培养其自强不息、爱国主义精神和敬养老人、勤俭节约的意识以及构建和谐人际关系的能力。
For her personal edification, of course. 当然,就当是让她自我启发吧。
It is our choice to start our education to the teenage the elite of Confucianism and let them grow up healthily in the edification of Confucianism. 从幼儿开始,让他们淋浴在儒家精华文化中,让他们在熏陶中健康成长,这就是我们的选择。
Also: The power which the Lord hath given me to edification, and not to destruction. 还:电源,其中主智慧赐给我以启迪,而不是销毁。
On the60th anniversary of the enactment of the Common Program, it would give edification on improving our constitutional government when we review and rethink this. 在《共同纲领》颁布60年之际,对其重新审视,予以反思,对我国当代的宪政建设不无启示。
"Bible" since birth, how many people received the "Bible" edification? 《圣经》诞生至今,有多少人受过《圣经》的熏染?
Thank you two brother's encourage and edification! 多谢二位兄弟的鼓励和教诲!
Books bought for instruction or edification. 为提高文化或精神素养而购买的书。
Annie: This is due to Wang Ping's edification. 安妮:那还不是王平熏陶的结果。
She was born and bred a Catholic. Annie: This is due to Wang Ping's edification. 她一出生就受到天主教的熏陶.安妮:那还不是王平熏陶的结果。
The manner that they dealt with the relationship between individual and collectivity, between selfhood and others has some significant value of instruction and edification. 他们关于个人与群体、自我与他人之间关系的态度对我们今天调整和处理人际关系仍具有一定的借鉴价值和启迪意义。
Thanks to the support of Love, Respect, Accompanier and Edification, the children will have brilliant future. 以“爱,尊重,陪伴,成长”支持孩子的走向美好未来。
The moral character of children, be taught in the morality of family, school and society and form stage by stage below moral edification. 孩子们的道德品质,是在家庭、学校和社会的道德教育和道德熏陶下逐步形成的。
I promptly signed up for two courses at the UC Berkeley Extension to continue learning for my own edification. 我立马就报名参加了加州大学伯克利成人学院以为自己教育继续学习。
Edification and Promotion& A Comment "on the Relationship between Novels and the Control of the Masses" by Liang Qichao; 熏陶与提升&谈梁启超《论小说与群治之关系》
The outstanding historical buildings and cultural buildings are building treasure of outstanding buildings, which are unique historical exploration and artistic edification. 优秀建筑中的优秀历史建筑和文物保护建筑是建筑珍品,是一种独特的历史探索和艺术熏陶。
Edification of the Development of Indian Software Industry on China's Higher Vocational Software Talent Cultivation 印度软件业发展对我国高职软件人才培养的启示
As the government base of money and food, Jiangnan region was the central area of edification. 作为清政府钱粮基地的江南地区,是康熙帝实施社会教化的核心区域。
Promoting the Tradition of Social Edification and Accelerating the Construction of Learning Society 弘扬我国社会教化的传统加快学习型社会建设
There is much in it which, at first sight, appears to have no bearing upon religion and certainly little edification for modern men. 这个集子的相当部分初看起来跟宗教无关,而且敢说对现代人很少有启迪作用。
But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. 但作先知讲道的,是对人说,要造就,安慰,劝勉人。