British educationalists are divided about how best to teach reading. 英国教育学家在如何以最佳方式教授阅读的问题上存在分歧。
The improvement in standards has been steady and persistent, but has attracted little comment from educationalists 标准一直在持续提高,但却几乎没有教育学家对此发表意见。
The nostrums of some management gurus sound remarkably like those of the progressive educationalists of the 1960s. 一些管理大师的秘方听起来非常像那些20世纪60年代的教育改革者。
That is not the only apparent disconnect between educationalists and politicians. 这并非教育家与政客意见唯一明显的南辕北辙之处。
If firmer evidence emerges that all work and no play makes Jack a dull-sighted boy, parents and educationalists will have to examine changing the balance. 如果有更切实的证据表明只工作不玩耍,就会变得近视,那么家长和教育家就需要研究一下如何调整两者的平衡了。
Based on math competition education, this article introduces the opinion of educationalists and mathematicians. 以数学竞赛教育为例,介绍了教育家和数学家对数学竞赛教育的态度。
The suitability of the new English curriculum for basic education is now widely discussed among the English educationalists. 由于学科自身特点的复杂性,英语课程实施的影响因素更是纷繁陈杂。
Cyber-bullying is a cause of growing concern among educationalists as children get ever greater access to information technology. 随着孩子们得以更多地接触信息技术,网络欺凌也成了教育学家们日益担心的原因之一。
To get there we must work closely with educationalists and psychologists. 要做到这些,我们必须与教育学家和心理学家密切合作。
Leading educationalists have voiced their concern over the new proposals. 主要的教育家们已经对新的提议表示关注。
Educationalists have purported to demonstrate that there is no advantage in middle-class families sending their children to private schools. 教育学家声称他们已经论证了中产阶级家庭把孩子送到私立学校就读并没有什么太大的好处。
Language education is the most critical issue at the core of Deaf education, thus writing ability of deaf students has been the concern of the educationalists. 本课题以调查报告的形式,对以中州大学为主的聋人大学生的作文现状进行了调查,内容涉及作文过程中的主要层面和相关环节。
A growing number of educationalists are questioning our approach to assessing intelligence and talent, among them Howard Gardner of Harvard University. 越来越多的教育学家质疑我们评估智力和人才的方法,其中包括哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)的霍华德加德纳(HowardGardner)。
Two Great Educationalists Concepts and Pursuits; The basic mental unit of meaning is the idea. 人的心理生活是对意义的追求,意义的基本心理单元就是观念。
Educationalists should be alive to the possibilities. 教育学家应注意到这些可能性。
The advice from educationalists about how best to choose a school within those parameters is remarkably consistent: learn as much as you can about the schools which are viable options, and trust your instincts and those of your child. 在这些参数限定的范围内,如何做出最佳选择,教育学家们给出的建议惊人的统一:尽可能了解可以选择的各所学校,同时相信自己和孩子的直觉。
Or to put it more mildly, are criticisms of the shortcomings of environmental education in Asia justified? More specifically, what should we as educationalists do about it? 或把它更加适度的讲,对亚洲环境教育缺点的批评是合乎情理的吗?
As one of the most influential educationalists in Modern China, one of Cai Yuanpei's achievements was mainly reflected in his Aesthetic Education Thought. 作为近代中国最有影响的教育家之一,蔡元培的成就之一集中体现在他的美育思想中。
The place fascinates every child who hears of it and has intrigued thousands of thoughtful educationalists. 这个地方让所有听说过的孩子着迷不已,让成千上万有思想的教育家兴趣盎然。
Practice teaching is a kind of scientific teaching model which attaches importance to explore the potential ability of the students and link up the spirits of the educationalists and educates. 体验教学是一种注重发掘学生主体潜能、沟通教育者与受教育者心灵的科学教学模式,它对高校体育教学有着革命性的意义。
The question of moral demonstration disused in this thesis is the common topic observed by philosophies and educationalists. 本文所研究的道德示范问题,是历代哲学家、教育家共同关心的话题。
Kong Zi is a renowned educationalists of our country, his education theory influence is profound. 孔子是我国著名的教育家,他的教育思想影响深远。
In the past few decades, domestic and international linguists and educationalists wrote many articles and works about formative evaluation, which provided English teaching evaluation with a certain theoretic guidance and practical help. 在过去的几十年里,国内外的语言学家和教育家撰写了许多有关形成性评价的文章和著作,这些文献也为英语教学中的评价提供了一定的理论指导和实践帮助。
Educationalists 'in China and foreign countries have been studying on the approach and rich idea of effective teaching. 中外教育家一直在研究和探索教学,孕育了丰富的有效教学思想。
The opinions of play by educationalists either embodied it, or fought it. 此时教育家的游戏观或体现了游戏道德性的淡化,或力图与此抗争,努力恢复游戏的道德性。
As great educationalists in the west and east respectively, Confucius and Plato have made important contributions to the world educational development. 孔子和柏拉图分别是东西方的伟大教育家,他们对世界教育的发展都做出了重要贡献。
Many linguists and educationalists home and abroad have done great experiments and questionnaires concerning children's optimal age to learn English and the comparison between adults and children in learning English. 围绕儿童学外语的最佳年龄及与成人学外语的比较,国外的语言学家和教育家做了大量的实验和问卷调查。
College students 'leisure education has long been concerned in community of educational theory. Educationalists interpreted functions about leisure education on the all-round development of students from different angles and dimensions, and they stressed the need to put leisure education into the field of higher education. 教育理论界对大学生的闲暇教育关注已久,他们从不同的角度和层面阐释了闲暇教育对大学生全面发展的作用,并强调必须把闲暇教育纳入高等教育的视野之中。
In order to solve educational issues, American anthropologists and educationalists began to study education and educational process from the aspect of culture, take culture as tool and basis for studying education, and solve cultural conflicts and contradictions among various races and ethnic groups. 为了解决教育问题,美国人类学家和教育学家从文化角度来研究教育以及教育过程,把文化作为研究教育的工具和依据,以解决各种族和各族群在文化上的矛盾和冲突。
Since then, educationalists and researchers have reached a consensus as to the improvement of listening and speaking ability and promotion of learner autonomy of college students. 从此以后,怎样提高大学生的英语听说能力和自主学习能力成为了教育工作者和研究人员的共识。