Understand that the effulgence which emanates from the sun illuminating the entire universe and which is in the moon and in fire is from Me. 你要明白,照亮整个宇宙的太阳,其光芒源于我,月亮和火焰的光芒也源于我。
And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered quivered quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the devas. 这十千个宇宙在抖动、颤动、震动,有一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。
In the evening sunshine they glow with a salmon-coloured effulgence. 在夕阳下,它们发出浅橙色的光辉。
Morrow night, when the moon was as usual, her gentle effulgence and enlightening everything as well, I proudly considered this as my contribution. 次日晚上,看见月亮还是好好地挂职在天上,她温柔的光辉依旧照耀着一切,我心中便暗暗得意,以为是我留下它来的。
Red is te symbol of effulgence and brilliance, which also need your help. 红色是灿烂和辉煌的象征,但这也需要您的鼎力相助。
A remarkable specimen of floral effulgence entered into competition at the recent All-Tarant Flower Show& Garden Exposition has roused much comment among visitors. 在最近的塔伦特全城花卉园艺展览会上,一株非比寻常的参赛花卉激起了观赏者众多评论。
He was four-armed, he was dressed in yellow cloth, and his bodily effulgence lit up all directions. 他有四臂,穿着黄色的衣服,躯体的光璨照耀四周。
With that word "death" the heat seemed to increase till it became a threatening weight and the lagoon attacked them with a blinding effulgence. 随着这个死字,暑热仿佛越来越厉害,热得逼人。环礁湖也以令人目眩的灿烂袭击着他们。
To face on the effulgence traditional culture of Mongolian, designer is no lack of nature historical resources. 面对蒙古族灿烂悠久的传统民族文化,我们不乏传统文化符号的资源。