'My first couple days I was terrified-she is part of the royalty of Hollywood,' he says. 'But it was like butter. She was so easy and accommodating and egoless. 最开始的几天我有点提心吊胆的,她可是好莱坞最大牌的明星之一啊,他说,不过这听起来像是奉承话,但她真是平易近人、随和无私。
When they hear the words egoless or emptiness, they think that experiencing those states will be like being thrown out the door of a spaceship to float forever in a dark, chilling void. 当他们听到“无我”或“空”的字词时,马上联想到好像是要被掷出太空舱,永远在黑暗、寒冷的虚空中漂流。