The self-defeating system gives limitless power to egomaniacs. 这个自取灭亡的制度把无限的权力给了极端利己主义者。
Bankers may be greedy, self-serving egomaniacs, but at least they are consistently greedy, self-serving and egotistical. 银行家可能是贪婪、自私的自大狂,但至少他们的贪婪、自私和自我是始终如一的。
I found these academic analyses to be dry and unrealistic they attempt to bring logic to matters that are typically determined by egomaniacs and dysfunction. 我发现这些学术分析都干巴巴的,并与现实脱节它们试图给那些通常由自大狂和心智失常的人决定的事情安上逻辑。