Not only did one of its biggest banks egregiously violate international norms by doing business with Sudan and other unsavoury regimes. The government also failed to detect the violation or, worse, did not try. 这不只是因为法国最大的银行之一严重违反了国际准则,与苏丹和其它声名狼藉的政权交易,还因为法国没能察觉到这种行为,甚至更糟,完全没有尝试去发现这种行为。
However, because Young's trades were so egregiously speculative, Deutsche Bank felt compelled to bear the loss itself in order to avoid alienating investors in the future. 但是由于杨的交易具有如此强烈的投机性,德意志银行为了在将来不至于疏远广大投资者觉得必须由自己来承担这次的损失。
As it later transpired, that was merely the tip of the iceberg since tomorrownow was infringing on copyright far more egregiously than that. 随后暴露的情况表明,这只是冰山的一角,因为tomorrownow的侵权行为远远比这更为恶劣。
But previous Greek governments egregiously violated those limits. 但之前几届希腊政府都严重违反了这些限制。
Any product that egregiously violates experience goals will ultimately fail, regardless of how well it purports to achieve other goals. 任何违背了体验目标的系统最终会失败,而不管这些系统声称自己如何出色地实现了其他目标。
Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, vouchers, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. 改革一直遭到强烈反对,可情势最糟的,或许是教育战线,其中,特许学校、教育券、私立中学跟教师绩效工资都面临多场持久战。
Perhaps even more egregiously she had already published books on a wide variety of fields ranging from the Bible, to the First World War, to China, etc. 也许,更不寻常地是她已经出版了从圣经、第一次世界大战、到中国等不同领域的书籍。
Recently, I argued that equities now look overvalued, but not egregiously so, and that the future of the bull market could depend on when the level of global GDP started to bump up against supply side constraints, forcing a genuine tightening in global monetary conditions. 最近,我提出股票目前看上去估值偏高,但高得不算离谱。我还提出,牛市的未来可能取决于全球GDP何时遭遇供应面制约,迫使全球货币状况真正收紧。