
英 [ˈaɪðə(r) ɔː(r)] 美 [ˈaɪðər ɔːr]

adj.  二者择一的
n.  (自动控制)“异”; 按位加; 二者择一



  1. We fight, or we don't, it's an either-or decision.
  2. Many other experts insist this is not an either-or situation.
  3. Freed of this either-or constraint, even a modest quantum computer would vastly outpace the fastest supercomputer.
  4. In fact, the judicial activism and the judicial restraint are not an either-or issue, but a problem of extent of the freedom or restraint judges would have in their judicial discretion.
  5. But it was also now true for every other issue, large or small, domestic or foreign, all of which were reduced to a menu of either-or, for-or-against, sound-bite-ready choices.
  6. Why does it have to be either-or?
  7. You should know that a deductive argument is an either-or thing.
  8. Moreover, as the result of activities ( version), the relation between "variation and translation" and "complete translation" is not corresponding or complementary but opposing or either-or.
  9. Gambling should be criminalization or decriminalization, greater dispute has existed all the time, in fact "gambling criminalization" and "gambling decriminalization" are not either-or and diametrically opposite, and complete criminalization of gambling and all-around decriminalization is all partial.
  10. Seeing from the perspective of the relationship between Marxist philosophy and the contemporary western philosophy, to construct the contemporary Chinese new philosophy we must achieve the followings: neither to oppose these two absolutely nor to make the either-or choice;
  11. The localism was a kind of trend of political thought and social existence during the period of the Republic of China, its historical action can't be summarized with the simple and either-or conclusion; it had better be analyzed concretely under the specific historical condition.
  12. In face of "either-or" existence, the self choice becomes decisive and the existence is realized by continuous choice.
  13. This either-or understanding, in fact, is a Chinese saying that the second election by a narrow processing.
  14. Both of the points, based on value singularism and value relativism separately, apply the either-or thinking on issues of moral values.
  15. Requirements sure to do the traditional mode of thinking either-or choice between breakthrough in the market, the Government and the Third Sector, to build urban and rural development, broad participation, taking into account the fairness and efficiency inclusive features multi-center modes of supply.
  16. But whatever the Subjective Paradigm or Objective Paradigm, are all a dichotomous thinking style by either-or others views to look at human and their mind and behavior.