We fight, or we don't, it's an either-or decision. 我们要么打,要么不打,非此即彼,没有别的出路。
Many other experts insist this is not an either-or situation. 其他的很多专家则认为这不是取谁舍谁的问题。
Freed of this either-or constraint, even a modest quantum computer would vastly outpace the fastest supercomputer. 摆脱了这种非此即彼的限制后,即便是一台一般般的量子计算机也能完爆最快的超级计算机。
In fact, the judicial activism and the judicial restraint are not an either-or issue, but a problem of extent of the freedom or restraint judges would have in their judicial discretion. 其实,司法能动与司法克制并不是一个非此即彼的问题,而是法官在进行自由裁量时享有多大的自由或者受到多大的限制的程度问题。
But it was also now true for every other issue, large or small, domestic or foreign, all of which were reduced to a menu of either-or, for-or-against, sound-bite-ready choices. 但不可忽视的是现在所有的其他问题都被简化成了一张写着非此即彼、支持反对、言论摘要的清单。
Why does it have to be either-or? 为什么只能择其一?
You should know that a deductive argument is an either-or thing. 你应该知道演绎的论点是一个非此即彼的东西。
Moreover, as the result of activities ( version), the relation between "variation and translation" and "complete translation" is not corresponding or complementary but opposing or either-or. 作为活动的结果(译文),变译与全译的关系是对立关系,二值逻辑关系,非此即彼的关系而并非对应关系,互补关系。
Gambling should be criminalization or decriminalization, greater dispute has existed all the time, in fact "gambling criminalization" and "gambling decriminalization" are not either-or and diametrically opposite, and complete criminalization of gambling and all-around decriminalization is all partial. 赌博应犯罪化抑或非犯罪化,一直存在较大的争议,其实赌博犯罪化与赌博非犯罪化并非是非此即彼的截然对立,对赌博完全地犯罪化和全面地非犯罪化都有失偏颇。
Seeing from the perspective of the relationship between Marxist philosophy and the contemporary western philosophy, to construct the contemporary Chinese new philosophy we must achieve the followings: neither to oppose these two absolutely nor to make the either-or choice; 从马克思主义哲学与现当代西方哲学之间的关系来看,构建当代中国新哲学,不能把两者截然对立起来,作非此即彼的选择;
The localism was a kind of trend of political thought and social existence during the period of the Republic of China, its historical action can't be summarized with the simple and either-or conclusion; it had better be analyzed concretely under the specific historical condition. 地方主义是民国时期比较突出的一种政治思潮和社会存在,它的历史作用很难用非此即彼的简单结论来概括,必须放在特定的历史条件下具体地进行分析。
In face of "either-or" existence, the self choice becomes decisive and the existence is realized by continuous choice. 面对非此即彼的生存境遇,选择具有决定性意义,生存境界是由不断的选择来实现的。
This either-or understanding, in fact, is a Chinese saying that the second election by a narrow processing. 这种非此即彼的认识,其实是对唐人说法所作的窄化即二选一的处理。
Both of the points, based on value singularism and value relativism separately, apply the either-or thinking on issues of moral values. 这两种观念分别以价值一元与价值相对主义为前提,采取非此即彼的二元对立思维,看待道德价值问题。
Requirements sure to do the traditional mode of thinking either-or choice between breakthrough in the market, the Government and the Third Sector, to build urban and rural development, broad participation, taking into account the fairness and efficiency inclusive features multi-center modes of supply. 要求务必做到突破在市场、政府与第三部门之间非此即彼选择的传统思维模式,构建具有统筹城乡发展、广泛参与、兼顾公平与效率等包容性特征的多中心供给模式。
But whatever the Subjective Paradigm or Objective Paradigm, are all a dichotomous thinking style by either-or others views to look at human and their mind and behavior. 但无论主观范式还是客观范式,均是以非此即彼的二歧式思维方式来看待人、看待人的心理与行为的。