Forty-eight hours have elapsed since his arrest. 从他被捕至今已经过去48小时了。
When the man and Cosette had taken their departure, Thenardier allowed a full quarter of an hour to elapse; then he took her aside and showed her the fifteen hundred francs. 那人和珂赛特走了以后,又足足过了一刻钟德纳第才把她引到一边,拿出那一千五百法郎给她看。
Many years were to elapse before I saw it again. 我再次见到它已经是多年以后的事了。
With the elapse of time, the Prophet's words in that regard have proved to be true. 随着时间的流逝,先知的预言被证实是真实的。
Instant code completion is code completion that happens automatically without the user having to invoke it with an Ctrl-Space or wait for a delay to elapse. 即时代码完成时一种代码完成特性,它无需用户使用Ctrl+空格或是等待一小下就能自动实现代码完成功能。
A hundred long years must still elapse before Englishman could hear the name of Oliver Cromwell. 离英国人听到奥利弗·克伦姆威尔的名字还有一百年之久呢。
But thousands of years had to elapse before they came to apprehend thought in its purity, and to see it in the truly objective. 但经过若干千年,人类才认识到思维的纯粹性,并同时把纯思理解为真正的客观对象。
As we enter new century, economic and political situation changed with time elapse. 进入新的世纪以来,世界经济政治格局发生了新的变化。
Even though I exist in the brain process so many holes, but I still will elapse as time to remedy these loopholes and improve my personality. 即使我脑中的程序存在着很多漏洞,但我还是会随着时间的推移来弥补这些漏洞,完善我的人格。
The further off this solid obstruction, the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo. 固体障碍物越远。回声返回所用时间就越长。
And nationalized natural resources assets elapse awaits to be prevented from various aspects. 国有自然资源资产流失有待于从各个方面加以制止。
Weeks, it is true, would sometimes elapse, during which pearl's gaze might never once be fixed upon the scarlet letter; 确实,有时一连几个星期过去了,其间珠儿再没有注视过一次红字;
It is often sad that time elapses, But actually it does not. Time stays put, we elapse. 人们常说时间流逝,其实不对,时间是静止的,流逝的是我们。
An appreciable time may elapse before plastic flow is completed. 在塑性流变完成之前,可以经过一段可估计的时间。
At least that's what it feels like when I'm waiting for something to happen and suddenly the seconds elapse at a snail's pace or I am given back stolen moments when I can't use them effectively. 至少,那是我等待某件事发生而突然秒数变得如蜗牛漫长时的感觉,或者当我无法有效利用某些时刻却归还的时刻时的感觉。
The longer time will elapse for the return of the echo. 回声返回所用时间就越长。
Because the beautiful face is easy to elapse than smart thinking. 因为美丽的脸容易消逝比聪明的想。
Each minute, each hour, hour that us brush teeth slipping away, at we washing face runs to walk, even elapse at the time of we saying each a word. 每一分,每一秒,时间在我们刷牙的泡沫中溜走,在我们洗脸的时候跑走,甚至在我们说每一个字的时候消逝。
He had only three-quarters of an hour left before the time appointed by his Clara would elapse. 此刻离克拉拉约定的时间只差三刻钟了。
No more than five minutes must elapse between starting the application and replacing the valve cover. 从开始涂抹密封胶到更换气门室盖之间的时间不得超过五分钟。
As days elapse, the time I worked in the rig is increasing gradually. 日子一天天的过去,我在井场的时间也日渐增长。
Has some sounds to elapse, some one kind of recollection calls forever. 有一些声音已逝去,有一种回忆叫永远。
Time can elapse, and specks can be washed off, but the shadow of friendship cannot be wiped off and so I can never forget it. 时光可以流逝,污迹可以清洗,友谊的影子抹不去,它叫我无法忘怀。
Gets the maximum number of milliseconds that can elapse between a first click and a second click for the OS to consider the mouse action a double-click. 获取要使操作系统将鼠标操作视为双击,第一次单击与第二次单击之间可以经过的最大毫秒数。
His vacation had consumed nearly all he had earned in the laundry, and he was so far from his market that weeks must elapse before he could hope for the first returns from his hack-work. 他的假期差不多花光了在洗衣房挣来的钱。而他距离他的“市场”又很远,他的那些下锅之作希望得到的最早的回音也需要几个礼拜。
Both curiosity and pleasantry come from his free and flexible painting style, and elapse with a life style marked by fantasy. 好奇心和玩笑都来自一种洒脱的趣味和随意的绘画方式,又随着这些似乎荒诞不经的生活。
I cannot let the holidays elapse meaninglessly, my vacation should be a phase of harvest. 我不可能让假日过去无意义,我的假期应该是阶段收获。
As the time elapse dramatically, more and more children follow their steps. 随着时间戏剧化的发展有越来越多的孩子开始效仿。
Two consecutive incubation periods must elapse, a total of42 days following the identification and isolation of the last confirmed case, before the outbreak is considered controlled. 必须度过两个连续的潜伏期,即确认和隔离最后一起确诊病例之后总共42天,才能认为疫情已得到控制。