The electrocardiogram is the external measure result of myocardial electrobiology. 心电图是心肌电生理的外部测量结果。
By the analysis of myocardial cell electrobiology, the potential model is put forward to describe nature heart periodic beating based on B-R equation. 通过对心肌细胞电生理活动分析,基于B-R方程提出用势函数模型来描述自然心脏周期性搏动的研究方法。
This thesis starts from internal mechanism of heart beating, combines heart electrobiology, blood stream dynamical and catastrophe theory. A catastrophe form was constructed based on B-R equation. It reveals characters and rules of the heart beating radically. 本文从心脏搏动的内部机理研究出发,结合心脏电生理、血流动力学与突变理论,构造了一种反映心脏搏动的基于B-R方程的突变形式,从根本上揭示了心脏运动的性质和规律。