We call such a process electrolysis. 我们把这样一个过程叫做电解。
The topic of inert anode is attentioned in aluminum electrolysis. 惰性阳极是铝电解行业比较关注且极富挑战性的课题。
The influence of polyethylene glycol on the aluminum hydroxide product in the process of ion-exchange membrane electrolysis was studied. 研究在铝酸钠溶液离子膜电解制备超细氢氧化铝过程中,添加剂聚乙二醇对产品的影响。
Electrometallurgy is the application of electrochemistry or electrothermics to metallurgical process. It includes electricfurnace smelting and electrolysis. 电冶金是电化学或电热学在冶金过程中的应用。它包括电炉冶炼和电解法等。
Aluminum and magnesium are both made by ionic liquid electrolysis, just as I showed you last day. 铝和镁都是,由离子液体电解而成,就像我昨天讲的。
The recovery of silver from waste electronic parts by two-step electrolysis method with rotary cylinder as cathode is discussed. 研究了用旋转圆筒作阴极,二步电解法回收废电子元器件中的银。
Some methods and development of the alumina concentration control in aluminum electrolysis at home and abroad were reviewed. 介绍了国内外在电解铝过程中氧化铝浓度控制的一些方法及其进展。
These methods include: precipitation, amalgam electrolysis and extraction for recovering gallium from recycle solution in Bayer process; 从拜耳法炼铝循环液中回收镓的方法主要有沉淀法、汞齐电解法、萃取法;
CEDI unit will perform a integral demineralization process of electrolysis, electrodialysis and ion-exchange. 塞股将演出积分除盐过程中的电解法,电渗析法和离子交换。
They take this as a result of electrolysis. 他们把这当作电解的一种结果。
This paper outlines the production process to reduce electrolysis cell voltage reduction means. 本文简述了降低电解生产过程中槽电压的途径。
Electrolysis of magnesium chloride in a cell where the one electrode we would make magnesium. 在电池内电解氯化镁,我们能在其中一个电极上得到镁。
The preparation of high carbon-bearing pellets and mechanism of the iron inner electrolysis treatment are introduced. 介绍了高含碳金属化球团的制备过程及其处理废水的机理-铁碳内电解法。
Well, electrolysis of water consumes energy. 好了,电解水消耗了能量。
We study two areas of the electro-machining: the magnetic force electrolysis polishing and the dry-type WEDM. 本文进行了电加工中的磁力电解抛光和干式电火花线切割两方面内容的研究。
Oxygen and hydrogen are released from the water which is reduced by electrolysis. 氧气和氢气从电解水中被释放出来。
Faraday conducted electrolysis of silver. 法拉第做了银的电解实验。
According to this analysis, technics route was determined as suspension electrolysis and solvent extraction. 在此基础上提出了悬浮电解法提纯铜与溶剂萃取法提纯金的复合工艺路线。
The paper describes the main factors of influencing increase of copper electrolysis current density. 本文阐述了影响铜电解电流密度提高的主要因素。
The back EMF and I-V curves were measured in laboratory electrolysis cells. 在实验室电解槽上测量了反电势和电流&电压曲线。
Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis. 用电解法可以把水分解为氢和氧。
The chemist reduced the water by electrolysis collecting the oxygen in one flask the hydrogen in another. 化学家以电解的方法分解水,把氧收集在一个烧瓶里,把氢装在另一只烧瓶里。
Infusibility anode arid cathode of platinum-plated is applied in electrolysis industry. 钛镀铂作为不溶性阳极、阴极,已广泛应用于电解工业。
With application of information technique in aluminium electrolysis process, enterprises have accumulated a large amount of production data. 随着铝电解工艺信息化的应用,企业积累了大量的生产数据。
The factors which influence the stability of the constant potential electrolysis sensor were analyzed. 分析了影响定电位电解型电化学传感器长期稳定性的因素。
The anodic overvoltage of neodymium electrolysis was determined by slow scanning oscillogram. 用慢扫描示波法测定了钕电解的阳极过电位。
Electrolysis is also used to plate one metal on another. 电解也用于将一种金属电镀在另一种金属上。
In the same year it was discovered that aluminium can be obtained by electrolysis of aluminium oxide. 同年,人们发现通过电解氧化铝可以生产铝。
Study and Application of Digital Constant Current Control System for Aluminum Electrolysis 铝电解数字式恒流控制系统的研究与应用
Analysis and calculation of back EMF and anodic kinetics parameters in aluminium electrolysis cells 铝电解槽反电势和阳极过程动力学参数的分析和计算