Cherith was a difficult problem to Elijah until he got to Zarephath, and then it was all as clear as daylight. 伊莱贾在未到撒勒法之前,基立对于他是一个难题。等他到了撒勒法之后,他就清楚明白了。
The greatest miracles of Elijah and Elisha took place when they were alone with God. 伊莱贾和伊莱沙最大的神迹,乃是在他们单独亲近神的时侯出现的。
The dwindling stream by which Elijah sat and mused is a true picture of the life of each of us. 伊莱贾坐在基立溪旁注视那日渐干涸的溪水,正是我们生活的写眞。
PROM NIGHT IN MYSTIC FALLS After making a decision that infuriates Klaus ( Joseph Morgan), Elijah ( Daniel Gillies) proposes a life-changing challenge for Rebekah ( Claire Holt). 神秘瀑布镇的晚会之夜在做了一个激怒克劳斯的决定后,伊利亚给丽贝卡提出了改变人生的挑战。
But franky, I dont care. I think what hes doing is wonderful. 不过我不在乎,因为我觉得Elijah这样做特别棒。
All I can say is tune in, Gillies says, because Elijahs gonna shock and possibly even horrify a few. 他说:我只能说,大家记得去看,因为Elijah将会让所有人震惊甚至是恐惧。
In the next episode of The Vampire Diaries, Elijah is back. 下一集播出的《吸血鬼日记》中,Elijah将会回归。
We'll flash back to1491 to see Katherine's first meeting with Klaus and Elijah ( yes, Daniel Gillies returns) and we'll see where that wretched moonstone curse originated. 剧情将会带我们闪回到1491年,去看Katherine初次见到Klaus和Elijah,我们也会了解这个月光石诅咒的源起。
We can expect to see her form a tentative alliance with Elijah, who is focused on keeping his brother, Klaus, in line. 我们将会看到她试着跟想让Klaus不要越界的Elijah组成同盟。
A pastor, Elijah Parish Lovejoy ( 1802-1837), left his current job so to reach out to more souls for God. 长老会传道人洛夫乔伊(1802-1837)离开讲台,从事报业工作,想要为主赢回更多灵魂。
Elijah and I shook hands and said good night. 伊莱贾和我握手并互道晚安。
Had God granted Elisha's request for a double portion of Elijah's spirit? 神有没有照着以利沙所求的赐给他加倍的圣灵呢?
Elijah's gonna sleep with us tonight. 今晚伊利亚和我们一起睡。
And of the sons of harim, Maaseiah and Elijah and Shemaiah and Jehiel and uzziah. 哈琳的子孙中,有玛西雅,以利雅,示玛雅,耶歇,乌西雅。
The chapels of Moses and Elijah would have flanked the facade, probably forming the bases of two towers. 梅瑟和厄里亚的小圣堂旁边正面,大概形成二个塔楼底部。
Reverend Elijah Craig is credited with being the first to age bourbon whiskey in charred casks. 他第一次使用碳化的橡木桶来熟化波本威士忌。
So far from suffering doubts to live in our hearts, we will take the whole detestable crew, as Elijah did the prophets of Baal, and slay them over the brook; 不能容许疑惑活在我们心中,却要像伊莱贾对付巴力的先知般,将全部极可恶的罪,在河边杀尽。
When God summons him, Elijah covers his face with his cloak, scared to death. 血肉之人不能看见天主,否则他必死无疑。
Why Elijah was sent to this widow and not some one else we will never know. 为什么神让以尼亚到这个寡妇的家里,并且不是其它人我将永远不会知道。
Most importantly, though, we're going to get to see what Elijah's hair looked like before he was turned. 最重要的是我们可以看看Elijah在变成吸血鬼之前的发型。
You shouldn't have quarreled with Elijah muhammad. 你不该和伊莱亚穆罕默德吵。
For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the LORD spoken by Elijah. 因为永恒主以色列的上帝这么说∶『?内的面粉决不至于用完,罐里的油决不至于短缺,直到永恒主降雨在地面上那日子。』