n. 犭罕,驼鹿,麋鹿(生活于北欧和亚洲,北美洲称moose); (美国)厄尔克思慈善互助会会员(捐款给慈善机构) elk的复数
麋鹿,驼鹿(一些英国人以 elk 称亚洲和欧洲的亚种,以 moose 称北美亚种) An elk is a type of large deer. Elks have big, flat horns called antlers and are found in Northern Europe, Asia, and North America. Some British speakers use elk to refer to the European and Asian varieties of this animal, and moose to refer to the North American variety.
This interest of the manager was a large thing in itself for the performance, for his standing among the elks was something worth talking about. 这位经理对演出发生了兴趣,这事本身就非同小可。因为他在兄弟会里地位显要,值得一提。
Having existed for three million years, elks became nearly extinct for centuries. 麋鹿具有三百万年的生存历史,却在数百年的时间内几度濒临灭绝。