Some people dismiss his act as a publicity stunt and contrary to leaving secretly as Wang` s "elopement" is nothing but a "secret," commented netizen Xiqingwa. 网友喜庆娃(音译)评论说,一些人认为王功权此举纯属作秀,他的“私奔”并没有秘密进行,而只是一个众人皆知的秘密。
There is a rumor that Wang` s elopement announcement was a publicity stunt, since he is teaming up with Wang Qin to establish an investment company. 有传言称,王功权的私奔声明纯属炒作,他正打算要和王琴合伙创建一家投资公司。
I am no stranger to the particulars of your youngest sister's infamous elopement. 别以为我不知道你那个小妹妹不要脸私奔的事。
As to what restraint the apprehension of disgrace in the corps might throw on a dishonourable elopement with her, I am not able to judge; for I know nothing of the effects that such a step might produce. 至于他会不会怕这次羞耻的私奔使他自己在部队里丢面子,便把行为检点一下,那我就无法判断了,因为我无从知道他这一次的行为究竟会产生什么样的后果。
In ancient China, elopement mainly referred to the act of running away with one's beloved. 私奔指女的不顾阻拦投奔所爱的人或一块逃跑。
When Mr Bennet arrived home, he appeared as calm as ever, but in a conversation with Elizabeth he admitted that he felt to blame for Lydia's elopement. 班纳特先生回到家以后,看样子同以前一样平静,但在与伊丽莎白的谈话中,他承认自己对丽迪亚的私奔负有责任。
Had they no apprehension of anything before the elopement took place? 他们俩私奔之前,难道看不出一点形迹可疑的地方吗?
"Elopement" is a term or an event with some sort of mysteriousness. “私奔”总是个神秘的话题。
Study of Heathcliff thrush farmstead into the ropes, Clinton's sister Isabella him as a legendary hero, with his elopement. 希斯克利夫成了画眉田庄的常客,林顿的妹妹伊莎贝拉把他视作传奇式的英雄,随他私奔。
How did the story of her elopement get about? 她私奔的事是怎么传出去的?
He had read of her elopement while at oxford. 他在牛津时就曾读到有关她私奔的消息。
Their story contains all the elements-secret courtship, elopement, love poems, and the beautiful Italian landscape. 他们的故事包括所有要素&秘密求爱,私奔,爱情诗,以及美丽的意大利风光。
She made her elopement with her love without even considering about her daughter. 为了与情人私奔,她不顾一切,不曾想到女儿。
He was blazing with fury when he heard of his daughter's elopement. 听到女儿与人私奔后,他不禁勃然大怒。
Her elopement astounded her parents. The young couple made a runaway match. 她的私奔使她的父母大为震惊。那一对年轻人私奔结婚了。
The idea of an elopement with him will make your family rife with tension. 与他私奔的想法,会让你的家人很紧张。
Her elopement was a great Blow to the parents, But Clyde himself did not Brood over the matter. 她的出走给双亲很大的打击,可克莱德却没把这件事放在心上。
Her elopement astounded her parents. 她的私奔令她父母非常吃惊。
They have been the town talk ever since their elopement. 他们自私奔以来就一直是人们闲谈的话题。
But also her mother's support grows the evil seed for her elopement. 然而,她妈妈对于她的这种支持也就为她日后的私奔埋下了种子。
And we'll announce our elopement. 我们要宣布我们私奔。
And without any Purpose of making an Elopement that time; 当时,我还没有私自出走的念头。
Of course, Suellen would be certain to tell tales tomorrow, but if all went as Scarlett hoped, the excitement of the family over her engagement to Ashley or her elopement would more than overbalance their displeasure. 当然,明天苏伦一定会向她们描述的,不过要是一切都按思嘉所希望的进行,那么她家里因她与艾希礼订婚或私奔而引起的激动,就抵消他们的不快而有余了。
Investigation on elopement thought of hospitalized psychiatric patients INVESTIGATION OF THE MANNER OF PSYCHOTICS TO VISIT PHYSICIAN DURING FIRST ONSET OF DISEASE 住院精神疾病病人出走意念的调查分析首次发病的精神病人求医方式调查分析
Foe example, most responsibilities are imposed on Rebecca for the elopement between her and Osborne. 例如,奥斯本邀请利蓓加私奔的大部分责任被强加在利蓓加头上;
The Jing people created many wonderful and romantic folk love stories, which can be classified into three types: the type of elopement, the type of free courtship and the type of female advantage. 京族人民创造了瑰丽浪漫的民间爱情故事,这些故事分为三种类型:私奔型、自由结合型、女子主动出击型。
For the healthy growth of students, therefore, it is necessary to explore the factors affecting students 'elopement and to prevent and intervent doing so. 因此,为了中学生的健康成长,探索中学生离家出走的影响因素,预防与干预中学生离家出走行为就显得十分必要。
Nowadays, the growing problems of high school students 'elopement have become a social problem which can not be ignored, and has aroused extensive attention from all sections of society. 当今,中学生离家出走问题日趋严重,已经成为一个不可忽视的社会问题,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。
Significant factors affecting students 'desire of elopement mainly include self-achievement, award-winning, psycho-education, psychological stress and motivation of study. 对中学生的离家出走意愿有着显著影响的自身因素主要有学习成绩、获奖状况,心理教育状况、心理压力和学习动力。
The women characters in elopement stories have different family backgrounds, but they generally have beautiful faces, excellent acquirement, and unswervingly loyal to love. 私奔故事中的女性虽然出身不同,但大都具有理想化的容貌、出众的才艺,而且在感情上忠贞不渝,大都能在私奔后从一而终。