Pointed ears are the most adorable thing, and I find the 'elven' attire is so elegant, she said, according to International Business Times. 尖尖的耳朵最可爱了,而且我发现精灵族的服装非常优雅,国际财经时报上的报道中她如是说。
If you can find them, I'd recommend both the Elven Nations and Dwarven Nations, which give an account of the histories of these two races. 我还推荐《精灵国度三部曲》和《矮人国度三部曲》,如果还能找到的话。两者均叙述了这两个种族的历史演变。
But voronwe could have established a family of Elven lords who assumed an important place in tol eressea's society. 但瓦然威很可能已经建立了一个家族,而家族的领主则是托尔埃勒西尔社会十分重要的角色。
Ynthil is an Elven town that had been historically sympathetic to its Dark Elven brethren. 禁暗苑历来是一个对黑暗精灵同胞表示同情和支持的精灵城。
In Arcanum, I was a mage of great power, the only human to ever sit on the great Elven Council. 在奥秘大陆,我曾是一位拥有强大力量的法师,有史以来跻身于精灵议会的唯一人类。
It would be something only an Elven people could or would do. 也只有精灵能做或是愿意去做。
There is some evidence that mielikki was an elven demigoddess before the rise of humans, and she is often depicted with mixed Elven and human features. 某些证据表明梅利凯在人类的崛起前曾是一个精灵半神,因此她也常展现出人类和精灵的混和特征。
Awakened into his Elven heritage by furion the prophet, Syllabear has regained his true Elven form, and brings the bestial spirit of the bear to the battlefield. 被先知福利安唤醒他的精灵血统后,悉拉贝尔重新变回精灵形态,并将他的野性灵魂带到战场上。
Elven bodies hung from the branches of the trees, as their homes burned. 精灵的尸体悬挂在树木的枝干上,同时他们的家园燃烧着。
He is a descendant of the first Phoenix king, and some Elven bards say that he is in fact Aenarion reborn, so valiant and skilled is he. 他是首代凤凰王的后裔,也有些精灵吟游诗人说他事实上就是阿纳瑞欧的转世,因为那样的勇气和技巧只属于他。
Even before Lolth's rebellion, these dark-skinned elves began to claim the name of drow, an ugly Elven word that refers to the things that haunt the night. 在罗丝背叛之前,这些黑皮肤的精灵开始自称卓尔,在精灵语中这是个污秽的词语,意指那些在夜晚出没的邪恶之物。
The simplicity of the Elven lifestyle is often at odds with the rich beauty of the things they craft. 精灵们纯朴的生活方式常常和他们工艺品的奢华形成鲜明的对照。
Hotels with Tea Club, 100 cottage foot center, weight-loss centers marine Elven, the provision of health services for the guests. 酒店设有茶艺社、百草堂足疗中心、海洋精灵瘦身中心,为宾客提供保健服务。
Elven Destroyers enter the Alliance fleet. 高精灵的驱逐舰加入联盟舰队。
A moment later, the scream of an elven female came from a nearby chamber& a scream that began in terror and ended in a liquid gurgle. 片刻之后,附近房间里传来一名卓尔女性的尖叫声&惊骇的尖叫最后变成了含混的汩汩声。
Chinese recycling economy development has obtain some achievements at the end of "elven five year" planning and promulgate many policies and laws and regulations, but it still has some problems in the process of recycling economy. 在十一五规划实施结束之际,我国循环经济取得了一定成就,出台了不少相关政策与法规,但是我国循环经济发展过程中仍存在着许多问题。