N-COUNT 禁运;贸易禁令 If one country or group of countries imposes an embargo against another, it forbids trade with that country.
The United Nations imposed an arms embargo against the country... 联合国对那个国家实施了武器禁运。
He has called on the government to lift its embargo on trade with Vietnam. 他呼吁政府解除对越南的贸易禁运。
VERB 禁运(货物) If goods of a particular kind are embargoed, people are not allowed to import them from a particular country or export them to a particular country.
The fruit was embargoed... 对水果实施禁运。
They embargoed oil shipments to the US. 他们对美国实施石油禁运。
They embargoed oil shipments to the US. 他们对美国实施石油禁运。
It also publishes lists of embargoed or terrorist associated countries, which place additional restrictions for business engagements. 另外,美国政府还发布了禁运或恐怖主义相关的国家/地区名单,从而对业务活动进行了进一步的限制。
Use a single source to search for restricted trading parties or embargoed countries. 使用单一资源搜索受限贸易方或禁运国家或地区。
Copies of his speech will be available for the media in UN Press Room I on Monday morning, embargoed until and to be checked against delivery. 讲话稿的副本将于星期一上午在联合国I号新闻发布室向传媒提供,但在发言之前禁止发稿,有待根据发言进行核对。
Screening against comprehensive U.S.government lists makes it easy to check status based on named parties or embargoed countries. 根据美国政府公布的全部名单进行筛选,使按照指定贸易方或禁运国家以查验状态变得非常简单。
Some embargoed studies are released by fax and can sit on fax machines where anyone can read them. 有些内部机密研究被传真后,发送到人人都能看到的传真机上。
They embargoed those ships. 他们禁止那些船只出入港口。
To access embargoed news for use in a news story, you need to register as either a reporter or a freelancer. 如需查阅禁止发布的新闻并用于新闻报道,您必须作为记者或自由撰稿人注册。
China has been Pakistan's biggest supplier of military hardware for well over four decades, keeping supply lines intact even when the US and others embargoed military sales to Islamabad. 过去40多年,中国一直是巴基斯坦最大的武器装备供应国,即使在美国和其它国家对巴基斯坦实施武器禁售期间,中国也没有中断供应。
Search for restricted trading partners as defined by the United States government, as well as countries embargoed by the U.S. 搜索被美国政府拒绝的受限贸易方以及被美国禁运的国家或地区。
Well, of course, Microsoft has a big announcement coming on Monday ( I'm embargoed). 据我所知,这是因为微软马上就会在周一进行一项重大宣布,不过由于有封口令在先,所以我现在不能对此进行详细的说明。
Poultry products from those countries were embargoed by many places. 疫区的禽产品在世界许多国家遭到禁运。
CAE software system can improve the independent innovation capability of the equipment manufactory industry; the top software has been always embargoed by other countries. CAE软件系统可提高装备制造业的自主创新能力,其高端软件历来被国外禁运。为国内电动汽车产业的提供专利保障。