He's embarking on a new career as a writer 他即将开始新的职业生涯——当一名作家。
How do we go about embarking on this 'inner journey' to understand ourselves? 我们该如何开始这个“心灵历程”来了解自己呢?
Before embarking on the full project, the team will conduct feasibility tests with a miniature version. 着手整个计划之前,学者们将进行一次小型可行性试验。
Start with the read-first technique before embarking on the lower-level technique. 在着手使用低级别技术之前,首先要从先读技术开始。
Before embarking on any customer interaction like a beta program, we need to define and agree upon the goal and success criteria. 在着手任何用户交互,如Beta版程序之前,我们需要定义并对目标和成功标准达成一致。
This is a common occurrence as many organizations are only now embarking on their first SOA initiative. 这种情况常常出现,因为很多组织现在才开始实施它们的第一个SOA计划。
In April 2007, Aspire announced that it was embarking on an international talent search called Aspire Africa. 2007年4月,Aspire宣布,它将开展一项名为Aspire非洲的国际人才搜寻活动。
We are embarking on an adventure indefinite in length. 我们正在从事一项旷日持久的冒险事业。
Now the agriculture development is embarking on a new stage. 现在我国农业发展已进入新阶段。
You're embarking for Europe immediately. 你马上就要上船去欧洲了。
The mercenary troops are embarking on New Adventures there. 这支雇佣军正在那里干新的冒险勾当。
Scientists must consider the dignity of plants before embarking on experiments. 科学家在对植物试验之前考虑植物的尊严。
I wish embarking on new chapter of my life from now on in2011. 我也希望2011年从现在开始,翻开生活新的篇章。
Before embarking on any course of action, engage in some self-analysis. 在着手开始任何行动前,先对自己做一些评估。
They were embarking on a tense struggle for enormous stakes. 他们正从事一场利害关系极大的紧张斗争。
We're embarking upon a new project later this year. 今年下半年我们将开始一项新的工程。
The Japanese government is embarking on a long and perilous road to resuscitating its bank system. 日本政府踏上了复兴其银行业的漫长而艰险的征程。
They must realize that embarking on e-commerce is like entering into any other new market. 他们必须懂得从事电子商务犹如进入另外一个新的世界。
On the business side, we will be embarking on our expansion plan. 在业务方面,我们将着力于我们的扩展计划。
This is the striking reality and meaning behind embarking on spiritual practice. 这就是修行背后显著的本质和意义。
This will not discourage me from embarking on another journey to continue the wandering life once more. 这又不能不使我不重上征车,过着流浪的生活了。
Officials in Beijing are now embarking on precisely such an endeavour, albeit gradually. 如今,中国官员确实已开始朝着这一方向努力了&尽管是以循序渐进的方式。
But the folly of embarking on such a big undertaking without strong business and public support became increasingly clear. 但在没有商界和公众强大支持的情况下就启动如此重大的谈判,其愚蠢已变得日益明显。
This article summarizes this exchange, offering insight for all those embarking on a career in science. 这篇文章总结了这次交流,可为那些准备开始(心理)科学生涯的人提供一些参考。
For me, this holiday felt like I was embarking on a hazardous and yet exciting adventure. 对于我来说,这个假期让我感觉自己在进行一次危险但却令人兴奋的冒险。
Of course, students embarking on graduate studies should pursue careers related to their major. 当然,进行研究生学习的学生,应尽量去从事与其专业相关的职业。
Domestic tourism has boomed, with holiday tourism embarking on the track of sound and orderly development. 国内旅游方兴未艾,全国假日旅游已初步走上了健康有序的发展轨道。
We are now embarking on a fourth struggle, with profound global implications. 我们现正着手开始具有深远的全球影响的第四项努力。
You are embarking on a glorious adventure. 你们正着手于一个新荣耀的冒险。
It's important that before you start embarking on your special wedding journey and commence your wedding plans, you announce your engagement to your family and friends. 重要的是,在你开始你踏上你的旅程,并展开特别的婚礼婚礼计划,你宣布你们订婚你的家人和朋友。