ADJ-GRADED 令人害羞的;让人难堪的;令人尴尬的 Something that is embarrassing makes you feel shy or ashamed.
That was an embarrassing situation for me... 那种情形让我难堪。
Men find it embarrassing to be honest. 实话实说让男人觉得难为情。
ADJ-GRADED 惹麻烦的;使难堪的 Something that is embarrassing to a public figure such as a politician or an organization such as a political party causes problems for them.
He has put the Bonn government in an embarrassing position... 他将波恩政府置于窘地。
The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers. 这席话让内阁大臣们非常难堪。
After all, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke got it embarrassingly wrong before. 毕竟,美联储主席本•伯南克过去曾严重错判形势,弄得面上无光。
And those that do are usually embarrassingly prosaic. 而那些的确带给我这种喜悦的东西却通常平凡得让人尴尬。
Tasks with few dependencies are often described as "embarrassingly parallel," meaning that they're almost too easy to separate into a number of parallel tasks. 依赖性较少的任务通常被描述为“高度平行”,即太容易将它们分成多个并行任务了。
Older versions of xml_objectify used DOM to read XML files, which proves embarrassingly slow for large XML documents ( part of the blame is on the way xml_objectify handles this DOM). xmlobjectify的较早版本使用DOM来读取XML文件,对于大型XML文档,它的处理速度缓慢得让人几乎无法忍受(部分归罪于xmlobjectify处理该DOM所使用的方法)。
You may not give your computer screen an embarrassingly gushing smile and you might not write little love notes during your lunch break. But, there are ways to tell if you love your job. 或许你没有在你电脑屏幕上弄一个令人害羞的热情微笑,也没有在午休时间写有爱的小纸条,但还是有很多办法能看出你是否热爱你的工作。
I bought all those embarrassingly titled self-help books ( always being certain to wrap up the books in the latest issue of Hustler, so that strangers wouldn't know what I was really reading). 我买了所有那些书名教人难堪的励志书籍(总不忘把书用最新一期的《好色客》(Hustler)杂志包起来,以免让陌生人得知我真正读的东西)。
It promises to revolutionise the way people sleep while travelling and put an end to embarrassingly falling asleep on the shoulder of fellow passengers or having to use a table as a pillow on planes and trains. 这款产品宣称要改变人们在旅途中的睡觉方式:人们再也不会遭遇睡着后歪到旁边乘客肩膀上的尴尬,在飞机或火车上睡觉的时候也不用趴在桌子上。
But as campaigning got under way, she seemed embarrassingly ignorant of world affairs ( remember when she was interviewed by Katie Couric, the TV anchor, and failed to name any newspapers?). 但随着竞选进程的发展,她却令人尴尬地显露出对世界事务的无知(还记得她在接受电视主播凯蒂库瑞克(KatieCouric)采访时说不出任何一家报纸的名字吗?)。
It took my graduate students and me, embarrassingly, at least ten minutes before we had the answer. 我的研究生和我,花了至少十分钟,才想出来,真不好意思。
The snag is that even if net exports were no longer contributing to china's growth, its trade surpluses with America and Europe would continue to loom embarrassingly large. 而现在的麻烦是即使中国不再靠净出口拉动增长,中国与美国及欧洲之间的贸易顺差依然大的令人发憷。
Back home, it has also produced embarrassingly large profits at banks that weathered the crisis well, such as Goldman Sachs. 在美国国内,它还让安然度过危机的高盛(goldmansachs)等银行产生了令人尴尬的巨额利润。
She is embarrassingly emotional in public. 她在大庭广众前常激动得让人难为情。
Despite the fact that the Sun has been virtually asleep, embarrassingly quiet, they are on cue getting ready to blame it all on the Sun. 虽然事实上太阳几乎是处于沉睡状态,令人尴尬地平静无恙,他们果然准备把责任一股脑儿推在太阳身上。
It was embarrassingly thorough, and when he finished, he was resigned and reluctant to tell her. 检查完后,他显得十分尴尬,他迟疑了是否要告诉她。
Other having a big chest, there wasn't much to recommand her as a model, except that she was willing to pose in embarrassingly positions. 她当模特儿,无非是有一个高高挺起的胸脯,旁的没什么好说的,不过她很乐意摆出各种露得叫人看不下去的姿势。
The Portuguese unemployment rate is rising and an embarrassingly realistic politician, the Austrian finance minister, has just pointed out that Greece already seems to be falling behind on its fiscal promises. 葡萄牙失业率不断攀升,而现实得令人尴尬的奥地利财长刚刚指出,希腊似乎已无法兑现自己的财政承诺。
In the period the documents cover, the Jining branch had serious difficulties with a number of key clients, something which would have left them with an embarrassingly high level of bad debts. 在这些文件提及的期间内,济宁分行在许多关键客户方面遇到了严重问题,这些客户可能留给该行数目高得令人为难的坏账。
Embarrassingly, the deal was a high profile one. 令人尴尬的是,该项目曾引起高度关注。
The car will be so extravagantly, embarrassingly clean that for a week or two after the wash you will be waiting impatiently for the dirt to begin accumulating. 在清洗后一、两周内,车会干净得要死,甚至让你有点儿不好意思,然后你将不耐烦地等着它开始变脏。
THE Big Four look embarrassingly male at their most senior levels. 四大(theBigFour)的最高层令人尴尬的都是男性。
Embarrassingly, the research comes up with a tough question for the married: Does the person who every night shares your bed share one and the same dream with you? 对已经结婚的朋友来说,也提出了一个尴尬的问题:你枕边的那位可否就是正确答案?
Her remarks about me were embarrassingly close to home. 她说我的那些话使我尴尬不已。
More labour-intensive growth would also boost incomes and consumption and so help to reduce China's embarrassingly large trade surplus. 更多的劳动密集型增长也将增加收入和消费,因此也能帮助减缓面对大量贸易盈余的尴尬。
But often these gestures are embarrassingly culture-bound. 而往往这些手势极受文化限制,甚至造成尴尬的误解。
Yoko itamoto, a matchmaker who conducts state-funded field research on marriage, says husbands and wives often grow so distant that sex seems embarrassingly personal. 利用国家资金对婚姻进行实地研究的媒人板本洋子(yokoitamoto)表示,丈夫和妻子往往变得如此疏远,性似乎成了令人尴尬的私事。
They play was embarrassingly bad. 这场比赛打得很糟,令人难堪。
The great man was embarrassingly humble and self-effacing. 这位伟人谦逊得让人感到尴尬。
We looked at the MBA market and realised we were embarrassingly tiny. 我们对mba市场进行了调查,发现我们的市场份额小得令人尴尬。
These days, many people feel uncomfortable in a restaurant where the surroundings are perceived as embarrassingly lavish, even though the set price menu may be very good value. 眼下,如果一家餐馆的环境让人觉得奢华到令人窘迫的地步,即使套餐的价格可能非常划算,许多人仍会感觉不自在。