The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty. 共和国新国旗上醒目地印着希腊马其顿王朝的古老标志。
Reebok responded by signing Shaquille O'Neal, who once showed up to a meeting with Nike wearing a jacket emblazoned with a huge Reebok logo& much to the dismay of Nike executives. 有一次,奥尼尔在和耐克方面会面时穿了一件印有巨大锐步商标的夹克,让耐克高层又惊又气。
My additional duties became such a widely known issue that my peers actually made me a hat that was emblazoned with all 13 collateral duties across it. 我所承担的这些额外的事项已经成为众所周知的问题,那就是我的同事给我戴上了一顶印有13种责任的帽子。
Two parachutes appeared in the sky above the Century Square in Wenzhou on Nov 27, 2010. Each parachute was emblazoned with a question. The first read: River, will you marry me? and the other carried the same proposal written in Chinese. 2010年11月27日,温州世纪广场上空出现了两个降落伞,分别用中英文在伞面上写着:项河,嫁给我好吗?
Manufacturers have since emblazoned "antioxidants" on everything. 生产厂商自此就将所有产品标有“抗氧化物”。
The 19-year-old flaunted a present wrapped with rainbow ribbon, a pair of toe-socks in the bright rainbow colours and even an apron with Gay Icon emblazoned across the front. 这位19岁的明星炫耀他得到的一系列彩虹主题的礼物,用彩虹丝带包装的礼物,一双彩虹色的五指袜,甚至一条彩虹色前面写着GayIcon的围裙。
Two newly married women wore matching T-shirts emblazoned with the single word "Wifey". 两位新婚女性穿了一模一样的T恤上面印着同一个词“老婆”。
What spectators will see this week is a slick, form-fitting black athletic shirt, the Ralph Lauren polo pony emblazoned on the front. 本周观众将看到的是光滑、合体的黑色运动衫,胸前印有拉夫·劳伦的马球赛马徽标。
It produced new packages emblazoned with 'Prix Choc' on the front. 该公司为这个产品换了新包装,在前面印上了PrixChoc。
They gave away refrigerator magnets, calendars, and Christmas ornaments emblazoned with the company logo. 他们会送出带有公司标志的冰箱贴、日历、以及圣诞装饰等。
Together they confirm Wall Street's reputation as a lads 'clubhouse with a No Girls Allowed sign emblazoned over the door. 这些案件共同印证了华尔街男人俱乐部的名声,俱乐部门上还挂着女士免进的牌子。
The team's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps. 球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。
He dressed as indifferent as ever, in cheap suits and boots emblazoned with the flag of Texas. 小布什的穿着还像以前一样很普通&廉价的西装和印有得州旗帜的靴子。
You know those credit cards emblazoned with a school's picture or its logo? 你知道那些信用卡的卡面上都印上了学校的图片或者标志了吗?
A short sleeveless outer garment emblazoned with his coat of arms worn by a knight over his armor or by a herald. 骑士或使者和徽章一起搭配穿着的一种无袖短外衣。
The shield that the king carried into battle was emblazoned with his family coat of arms. 国王参战时所携带的盾上饰有皇家军队服装上的图案。
A casket emblazoned with the family crest. 刻有家族纹章的一口棺材。
Look, our athletes are marching into the arena! They all look full of vigour in sweat-shirts emblazoned with the name of our school. 看,我校的运动员进场来了!他们穿着印有我校校名字样的运动衫,看上去个个精力充沛。
The national flag of China under the Qing Dynasty was emblazoned with a big dragon. 在清朝下面的中国的国旗与一条大的龙一起用纹章装饰。
A flag on which the imperial double-headed eagle was emblazoned. 一面饰有帝国双头鹰图案的旗帜。
In one scene from the video for that version the emblems of both organisations are emblazoned on a woman's buttocks. 在这个版本的视频中,有一个画面是两个媒体的徽标被挂在一个妇女的屁股上。
Cars emblazoned with the company logo were oarked in rows. 汽车排成几行停着,上面都有醒目的公司杯识。
Either one man at a time, or a generation at a time, I will leave my stamp emblazoned upon humanity. 在一个时刻的任意一个人,或者一代人,我将要在人类的历史上留下我的印记。
All were wearing red and yellow sashes emblazoned with the message that "Galanz welcomes you". But there were few new recruits to welcome. 格兰仕的人员都戴着饰有“格兰仕欢迎你”字样的红黄彩带,但几乎找不到可以欢迎的新员工。
The "warm and sweet wedding package", at US$ 1282, includes wedding gifts and pink invitation cards emblazoned with golden arches. 这个“温馨甜蜜的婚礼套餐”价值1282美元,包括婚庆礼品和印有金色拱门的邀请卡。
All of those big red words emblazoned across the page. 页面上全都是些大个的红色文字。
Goat embroidered and plaited leather upper The flag was emblazoned with the family ARMS on it. 这面旗上绣有家族纹章。
Judging from his queue ( ponytail) and also the yellow flag emblazoned with the blue dragon, we can place this picture as having been taken in the late Qing Dynasty. 另外,通过小男孩的马尾辫和图中右上方的黄色小旗,我们不难猜测这张照片应该是拍自晚清年间。
Customers would pay to have their own name emblazoned on the top and be their own headline. 顾客们可以花钱让自己的名字登在报纸上,制作自己的头条新闻。