The emirate will today set out plans to become one of the world's largest film producers, with$ 1bn to invest in productions to be made in Hollywood, Bollywood and beyond. 这个酋长国将于今日公布成为全球最大电影制作者之一的计划,投资10亿美元在好莱坞(Hollywood)和宝莱坞(Bollywood)等地进行电影制作。
Value is more likely to be preserved for debtholders and for the emirate itself. 债务持有人以及迪拜酋长国自身的资产价值更有可能得到保护。
Business visitors to the capital found it chic, feudal and hospitable, like an Arab emirate; 商务旅客觉得这个首都时髦、封建、好客,就像一个阿拉伯酋长国一样;
The emirate has been performing quite well in sectors in which it has traditionally been successful. 该酋长国传统上较为成功的行业一直表现上佳。
A tournament built on sand: How can the tiny emirate of Qatar sustain the World Cup-the biggest show on earth? 沙漠中的决赛:为什么一个小小的酋长国卡塔尔却赢得了世界杯&这个星球上最盛大的节目?
In effect the emirate wants to create a good bank and a bad bank out of the state-owned conglomerate. 实际上,迪拜希望从这家国有企业集团中分拆出一家好银行和一家坏银行。
The Department is answerable to the emirate of Abu Dhabi and is not a federal policy-making body. 该部门对阿布扎比酋长国负责,并不是联邦决策机构。
They [ Aabar] have got a very strong ambition to invest in transportation and technology, and Abu Dhabi has strong ambitions in developing science within the emirate. 他们(阿尔巴投资公司)对投资运输和科技领域怀有极其强烈的渴望,阿布扎比也有很强的雄心壮志,要发展该酋长国的科学研究。
It has been proven that his intention to retire at Emirate Stadium and he is the talisman, backbone, savior and will be a legend for Arsenal. 资讯科技已经被证明那种他的意图以酋长国体育馆退休,而且他是护身符,脊椎,救助者和意志是兵工厂的一个传说。
From Egypt, Rice travels to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirate. 访问埃及之后,赖斯还将访问沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国。
The move highlights the growing self-confidence and ambitions of Abu Dhabi's sovereign investment vehicles as the emirate seeks to utilise its immense oil wealth to diversify its economy and broaden its portfolio of investments. 此举突显了阿布扎比主权投资机构不断提升的自信与雄心。这一阿拉伯酋长国正寻求利用巨额石油财富实现经济多元化,并扩大其投资组合。
The bidoun forfeit the amenities that the oil-rich emirate showers on its citizens, including education. 这些无国籍者丧失了这个盛产石油的酋长国恩赠给公民的种种舒适待遇,包括教育。
Investors now know that the state is solvent, and to distinguish between the emirate and its institutions. 投资者现在知道,迪拜酋长国是有偿付能力的,而且也会对酋长国及其企业区别对待。
The emirate was funding the translation of 100 books a year into Arabic, because nobody else would. 这个酋长国出资每年将100本书籍翻译成阿拉伯语,因为世界上再没有别的国家会这样做。