Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned. 葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴衰的大帝国。
New states were born out of the wreckage of old colonial empires. 新生国家从老殖民帝国的废墟中诞生。
By using a mirror of brass you may see to adjust your cap; by using antiquity as a mirror, you may learn to foresee the rise and fall of empires. 以铜为鉴,可整衣冠;以古为鉴,可知兴替。(唐太宗)
Many great empires, which looked like huge monsters, were actually paper tigers. 历史上许多帝国看起来是庞然大物,其实都是纸老虎。
New empires had emerged and started to assault the Portuguese Empire. 新的帝国逐渐形成,开始威胁葡萄牙帝国。
Subsequently, the Ottoman and Persian empires competed for influence in the region. 随后,这区域被奥托曼和波斯帝国占领。
Yang Lan: Yeah, it's the age for younger people to create their own empires. 杨澜:是的,现在是年轻人创造他们自己的帝国的时候了。
Without their authority, the twin forces of familial rivalry and investor pressure tend to pull these empires apart. 倘若失去了创始人的权威,家族争斗和投资者压力这两股力量的作用,往往会让这些商业帝国分崩离析。
We have three empires that disintegrate within weeks of each other. 数周内我们的三个帝国彼此开始解体。
Which is why some Asian empires will struggle to outlive their founders. 这就是为什么一些亚洲家族帝国竭尽努力使其企业寿命长过其创办人。
It was also a khanate of the Mongol Empire, considered one of its four descendant empires. 这也是一个汗国的蒙古帝国,认为是其四个后裔帝国。
Commercial empires may rise and fall, but the consumer brands they own have residual awareness among the public. 商业帝国可能有起有落,但它们拥有的消费者品牌在公众中间仍残留着一些认知度。
Empires established in bygone centuries. 在过去的漫长岁月中建立起来的帝国。
He is nostalgic for the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires and in deep mourning for the British one. 他对奥匈帝国和土耳其帝国充满怀念之情,内心深处更是对大英帝国的悼念。
European empires controlled most of the world, directly or indirectly. 欧洲的一个个帝国直接或间接控制着世界的大部分地区。
Roman society has gone through the Wang era, the Republican era and the Age of Empires. 罗马社会先后经历了王政时代、共和时代和帝国时代三个时代阶段。
In fact, it is such pragmatic and personalized management that made family empires thrive in Asia. 实际上,正是这种注重实效和人性化的管理才使家族企业在亚洲茁壮成长。
Both of these empires had aspired to a kind of universality. 这两个帝国,都渴望一种普遍性。
Some great empires have crumbled and fallen. 一些大帝国已崩溃衰落了。
The tombstone was lichenous and crumbling. Some great empires have crumbled and fallen. 墓碑长满了地衣,已在崩落。一些大帝国已崩溃衰落了。
Around the Morgan and Rockefeller empires clustered a number of smaller kingdoms. 在摩根和洛克菲勒帝国周围,麇集着一些较小的王国。
These books are dedicated to the intergalactic war of two mighty empires. 这套三部曲着力描写了两个强大的帝国之间的星际战争。
Afterall, Sumerian and other Near Eastern civilizations were conquered and replaced by other empires. 毕竟,闪族人和其他近东文明被征服和被其他帝国取代。
Finland was merely a quiet buffer between the Swedish and Russian empires and had little cultural influence in Europe. 芬兰当时仅仅是瑞典和俄国之间的一个安静的缓冲区,对欧洲的文化影响极小。
The antagonisms between the two empires and systems were mortal. 这两个帝国和两种制度之间,有着不共戴天的仇恨。
Throughout the whole course of history almost all the empires have flourished only to decay. 在整个历史进程中,几乎所有的帝国都曾盛极一时,结果都还是衰落了。
Previous empires have gained power and wealth by conquering territory. 以往的帝国一直通过征服领地来获取权力和财富。
Lucullus invades Armenia, starting centuries of warfare between the Roman and Persian empires. 卢库卢斯入侵亚美尼亚,开始了罗马人和波斯帝国之间持续数百年的战争。
Historians have debated the rise and fall of empires for centuries. 几个世纪以来,历史学家一直就帝国兴亡这一命题争论不休。