If the empiricists keep doing their part by measuring and publicizing the benefits these practices can yield, more and more organizations will see the light. 如果经验论者持续进行下去,度量和宣扬这些实践可以产生的益处,那么越来越多的组织将会看到光明。
And the empiricists are Locke, Berkeley and Hume. 经验主义者有洛克,柏克莱和休谟。
The empiricists had argued that we have rational grounds for belief in nothing beyond what our senses have already encountered; 经验主义者认为,我们没有合理的理由相信我们的感官所及的事物外的事物的存在性。
And I have said, the simplistic distinction between empiricists and rationalists really can be misleading. 我已经说过,简单地区分经验主义者和理性主义者,是很容易误导的。
England is in the midst of a similar struggle between empiricists and intuitivists. 类似的经验主义者与直觉主义者之争也正在英国上演。
That is the sense in which thought is understood by Locke and all empiricists. 这就是洛克及所有经验论者所采取的立场。
Empiricists depend on statistical analysis to drive their decisions. Intuitivists rely on gut instincts. 经验主义者依靠统计学分析作出决定,直觉主义者则是凭直觉。
The second one lies in the struggle against the confusion through which all empiricists and psychologists identify the psychological connotations of thinking action with logical concepts and axioms, that is to say, Husserl has finished the critique of psychologism. 第二项工作在于,对所有经验主义或心理主义将思维行为的心理学内涵与逻辑概念和公理混为一谈的做法进行了斗争。
: Before Locke, Becon and Hobbes are two supreme British empiricists. 洛克之前培根和霍布斯堪称英国经验主义双璧。
As it is possible that the question of causality lead to the question of induction, modern empiricists and critical rationalists substitute query on the rationality and reliability of inductive inference for query on the necessity of causal relation by Hume. 休谟的因果问题包含着引申出归纳问题的可能性,因此现代经验主义者和批判理性主义者把休谟对因果联系必然性的质疑转换成对归纳推理的合理性和可靠性的质疑。
Modern English empiricists take experience and natural as two opposed conceptions. 英国近代经验论者,将经验和自然对立起来。
Empiricists 'experiences are atomic and insular and have nothing to do with humans' action. Mead thought this precondition is untenable. 经验论的所谓的经验都是一些原子式的、孤立的、和人的行为本身没有联系的,这样的前提在米德看来是靠不住的。
Neither Empiricists nor rationalists had shown the original and development of self, they all thought existence of self is self-evident. 然而,不管是经验论还是唯理论都没有说明自我的来源和发展问题,他们都把自我的存在看作是不言自明的。