People need basic education if they are to become employable. 想要有人雇用,人们需要接受基础教育。
Even as hordes of less employable expatriates return, the brightest remain abroad. 即使现在(海龟们)以受雇外籍人士身份回国的数量越来越少,最聪明的仍留在国外。
The second is when persistent high unemployment leads the long term unemployed to lose the habits and skills that make them employable. 第二种情况是,失业率长期高企,导致长期失业者丧失就业所需的习惯和技能。
I graduated from the University of Wisconsin with no employable skills, unless you count jury duty. 我从威斯康辛大学毕业却没有职业技能,除非你把做义务陪审员也算进去。
Higher education has an economic benefit in that if you stay up to date with knowledge and skills you are more employable. 不过,接受高等教育会产生一定的经济效益,因为如果你不断更新知识与技能,你就更能胜任工作。
Bristol graduates are eminently employable and often achieve great distinction in their chosen careers. 布里斯托大学的毕业生的非常受欢迎,经常在他们选择的职业领域里取得辉煌成就。
I hope this computing course will make me more employable. 我希望该计算机课程使我求职更容易些。
Do you feel that your daddy is employable? 你觉得你爸称职吗?
But a McKinsey survey of nine occupations including engineers, accountants and doctors found that fewer than one in 10 were employable by multinationals. 但麦肯锡(mckinsey)对工程师、会计和医生等9种职业进行的一项调查发现,有资格为跨国公司工作的人不足十分之一。
We continue to retrain workers to become more employable, and to support needy families through many assistance programmes. 我们也继续重新培训员工,以提高他们的受雇能力。我们还实施了多项援助贫困家庭的措施。
Mark? I would have thought he was eminently employable. 马克吗?我认为雇他非常合适。
These challenging chance will offer much return to those employable applying people. 这些具有挑战性的机遇将为那些称职的申请人提供大量的回报。
Although both countries produce millions of graduates annually, the raw numbers are a misleading metric for employable skills. 尽管中印两国每年都有数以百万计的毕业生,但就切合雇主需要的技能而言,拿这些原始数字当作衡量标准是误导的。
Millions of southern Europeans would become employable again. 数百万南欧人将重新获得就业。
And so this will enable students to become more employable when they graduate. 这也将有助于学生们毕业时更受雇主欢迎。
Already non-native speaking English teachers are deemed to be more employable in some Asian countries. 在一些亚洲国家,母语并非是英语的英语老师被认为会更称职。
A 66-year-old Winston Churchill promising nothing but blood, toil, tears and sweat would not presumably be employable in the 21st-century boardroom or the Foreign Office. 66岁的温斯顿•丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)曾表示:我所能奉献的只有血和汗、苦和泪,但21世纪的董事会或外交部大概不会聘用他吧。
To us, I feel my daddy still at last basic and employable, he maintains our house, making us three to all go to school. 对我们来说,我觉得我爸还算是基本称职的,他维持着我们家,让我们三个都上学。
To make the employable they need to have certain "hygiene skill sets" things like, articulation, presentation, business savvy and logical reasoning. 为了使他们能够受被雇佣,他们需要获得确定的“卫生技能组合”,例如清晰表达能力、陈述能力、商业头脑和逻辑推理能力。
In the early 1930s nearly every employable person in some of the South Yorkshire villages was on the dole. 30年代初在南约克郡的一些村庄,几乎所有适于雇用的人都领取失业救济金。
If you are job-hunting, or even if you are a smart manager of your own ongoing career, you may want to have a one-or two-sentence summary of your most employable assets in your head all the time. 如果你要求职,或即使你是自己创业的聪明管理者,你头脑中也要随时准备一个一两句最可能受雇话的总结。
Law school results in one of the few graduate degrees that can make you more employable. 法律系是少数研究生学历能帮助更容易找到活的学历之一。
What are the penalties if an employer employs a person not lawfully employable? 如雇主聘用一名不可合法受雇的人士,有什么惩罚?
Unfortunately, it makes you more employable in a profession in which people are unhappy. 不幸的是,让你说干的工作正式一个人们不高兴的行业。
People choose this place because there is quality of life, but they feel that they will be employable anywhere else in the world. 人们之所以选择这里,是因为这里有高品质的生活,此外,他们感到自己将来在世界其它任何一个地方都能找到工作。
We are going to have to develop policies and government support to deal with the long-term jobless who become less employable the longer they lack a regular job. 我们要制定相关政策,并安排政府支持,来帮助那些长期失业者这些人找不到固定工作的时间越长,就越难受雇。
I took courses in IT and cultural management to make myself more employable. 我报名学习计算机(IT)和文化教育课程,让自己更具就业竞争力。
Raw graduate numbers in India are a misleading metric of employable skills. 用印度大学毕业生总数来判断可雇用人才,容易产生误导。
Really embarrassed, again so long do not answer the letter for you, perhaps you think I am isn't employable Of friend. 真不好意思,又这么久没有给你回信,也许你认为我是个不称职的朋友。
Sorry, I have no employable skills with which to do that. 抱歉啦,我还没有技能去做这些琐事。