It enabled students to devote more time to their studies, or to be more accurate, more time to relaxation. 它可以让学生们有更多的时间来学习,或者更准确一点说,有更多的时间来放松自己。
His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants. 他早年的经历使他能够消除苏格兰天主教徒和新教徒之间的隔阂。
The money he made from these extracurricular activities enabled him to pursue other ventures. 他从这些额外工作中赚取的钱使他可以从事其他事业。
It enabled its members to settle their differences without recourse to war 这样,其成员就可以不必诉诸战争来解决分歧。
The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business. 专利使用费让这位发明家得以再次立足于商界。
This enabled the country to become self-sufficient in sugar 这使得该国的食糖能自给自足。
His profound respect for life enabled him to face death bravely. 他对生的珍重,使他能够勇敢地面对死。
Optionally, you may have also enabled CA. 作为一个可选项,您也可能已经启用了CA。
This takes place automatically when the corresponding quality of service is enabled in the source and target service. 当在源和目标服务中启用相应的服务品质时将自动进行此操作。
You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser. 您必须在浏览器中启用了JavaScript。
Ensure read and write cache is enabled on your storage system. 确保您的存储系统上启用了读写缓存。
Consequently, each registered base node might have different user registries configured if security is enabled. 因此,如果启用了安全性,则每个注册的基本节点可能配置了不同的用户注册中心。
Transaction rate and time are not provided unless statistics are enabled for each domain. 除非对每个域启用了统计信息,才会提供事务率和时间。
The identity assertion feature has to be enabled and configured on both application servers ( sending and target). 必须在两台应用服务器(发送和目标服务器)中启用和配置标识断言特性。
The modularity and efficiencies enabled by service orientation provide the means to do both good and harm more quickly. 服务定向所导致的模块性和效率提供了更快地产生好处和坏处的方法。
Note that if you have SSO ( Single Sign-On) enabled, you may skip this login step. 要注意,如果启用了SSO(单点登录),可以跳过这一步。
If global security is enabled, the user registry must not be Local OS. 如果启用了全球的安全性,那么用户注册必须不是LocalOS。
Check whether or not the agent is enabled. 检查是否启用了代理。
Have Kerberos-integrated login enabled for your AIX systems. 为AIX系统启用了Kerberos集成的login。
Once you have enabled resource monitoring you have to specify the data sources to collect from. 一旦您启用了资源监控,您就必须指定数据收集所出自的数据源。
Code folding& Folding can be enabled for classes and methods. 代码折叠&可以针对类和方法启用折叠。
If security is enabled, then you will have to know also the username and password. 如果监视服务器启用了安全性,您还必须知道用户名和密码。
Wikis have enabled collaborative contribution and authoring among distributed teams. Wiki在分布式团队中启用了协作供稿和创作。
When SSL is enabled, data exchanged between the client and the LDAP registry is encrypted. 启用SSL时,客户端和LDAP注册表之间交换的数据是加密的。
This remainder of this section assumes that you have a kernel with both kprobes and file capabilities enabled. 本节的余下部分假设您的内核启用了kprobes和文件能力。
Check with the user to determine whether or not they enabled the agent using Tools& Out of Office. 与用户进行核对以确定他们是否使用Tools-OutofOffice启用了代理。
If security settings are enabled, you must provide a user name and password. 如果安全性设置激活了,您必须提供一个用户名及密码。
If this is enabled in the Domino Directory, then the users can still authenticate. 如果在Domino目录中启用了该功能,那么仍旧可以对用户进行身份验证。
The extended permissions, if enabled, displays the extended permissions for user and groups. 扩展的权限显示用户和组的扩展权限(如果启用了)。
The Out of Office agent runs on any and all servers on which it is enabled. 离开办公室代理运行在启用了该代理的任何和所有服务器上。