These findings are the result of my work on the globalization and local enablement teams. 这些发现是我在全球化和本地支持团队的工作结果。
The first TL includes hardware features, enablement, and software services. 第一个TL包括硬件特性、支持和软件服务。
This can be done either at source code level or as runtime enablement. 这可以在源代码级别上完成,或作为运行时启用来完成。
The enablement and setup of virtual Ethernet does not require any special hardware or software. 建立和设置虚拟以太网不需要任何专门的硬件或软件。
After some enablement at development time, you can make the necessary changes using the Application Server administration tool. 经过在开发阶段的一些启动后,你可以使用ApplicationServer管理工具对其进行必要的改变。
Enablement of practitioners ( training and mentoring) in using the development environment contributes to successful adoption. 使用开发环境从业人员(培训和监视)的启动对成功采用有着重要的意义。
Our enablement strategy assumes that people have a strong foundation of knowledge, skills, and experience. 我们的实现策略假设人们都有扎实的基础,比如知识,技巧,以及经验。
This insight can also be extended to the technical enablement of our services teams. 这种见解还可以延伸到我们服务团队的技术支持中。
DB2 JDBC support is provided as part of the Java enablement option for DB2 UDB clients and servers. DB2JDBC支持包含在DB2UDB客户机和服务器的Javaenablement选项中。
A complete e-commerce enablement environment, allowing you to easily support your suppliers and other private or public e-Marketplaces. 完整的电子商务支持环境,允许轻松支持供应商和其他专有或公共电子市场。
Continuing enablement of goals and goals components in the enterprise business strategy 不断地实现企业商业策略中的目标和目标部件
Similarly, a component's service implementation plug-in defines the server-side process enablement contributions. 类似地,组件的服务实现插件定义了服务器端对流程支持的贡献。
This article has also shown you configuration walk-through including environment setup and security enablement for process integration. 本文还向您介绍了配置的全过程,包括用于流程集成的环境设置和安全支持。
Gather feedback on enablement, thus about any training or mentoring. 收集关于启动的反馈信息,因此也收集关于培训或者指导的信息。
Consideration of a deployment topology is necessary when, for example, enablement is provided through web-based training. 考虑部署拓扑结构是明智的选择,例如,通过基于网络培训来提供启动时,就是这样。
People are represented by enablement and organization. 人员由启动与公司代表。
Technical changes that give software SOA capabilities without changing its function are referred to as SOA enablement. 在不改变应用程序原有功能的情况下提供软件SOA功能的技术更改称为SOA支持。
Some product launches require less enablement investment for both our technical people and our customers. 有些产品启动只需要对我们的技术人员和客户进行较少的投资。
A component's client library plug-in defines its client-side process enablement contributions declaratively via extension points. 组件的客户端库插件通过扩展点以声明的方式定义其对流程支持的贡献。
This has already been hinted at previously when discussing method, tools, enablement, and organization. 在讨论方法,工具,启动以及公司时,前文已经提到了这一点。
Each of these dimensions has decisive effect on a go/ no-go decision regarding cloud enablement of applications. 这3个值中的每一个对于推进/不推进应用程序云计算实现决策起着决定性的作用。
Effective governance isn't about command-and-control but instead is focused on enablement through collaborative and supportive techniques. 有效的治理不是关于指挥命令的,而是着重于通过协作和支持的技术来实现。
The SNMP enablement has been done on two operating systems of KVM hosts. 在KVM主机的两个操作系统上启用了SNMP。
This use case explores a scenario for identity management and user provisioning with policy enablement that illustrates that re-use can enable business and IT to optimize common processing. 这个用例研究了一个启用了策略的身份管理和用户提取的场景,说明了重用可以使业务和IT实现优化常见的信息处理。
SAE was designed as an evolving experiment in enterprise-wide enablement and adoption of situational applications. SAE的设计目的是作为情景应用程序在企业范围的实现和采用方面的一个不断发展的试验。
What factors should I consider for cloud enablement of my enterprise applications? 对于我的企业应用程序的云计算实现,我需要考虑什么因素?
Again, a web server is required to host the enablement materials and workstations equipped with web browsers. 您需要一个网络服务器来安装带有网络浏览器的启动材料和工作台。
Organizations should therefore, plan to define and implement the most appropriate form of service enablement for each system. 因此组织可以计划定义和实现用最适当形式的服务来启用每个系统。
Much focus is given to the enablement of existing functionality as a Web service. 我们对通过Web服务支持现有功能给予了较多的关注。
This approach to technical enablement outlines a continuous improvement effort. 这种技术支持方法概述了一种不断改良的工作方式。