The IOM says the government is enacting a variety of legal and practical measures to encourage these returns. 国际移民组织说,伊拉克政府正在制定各种法律和切实可行的措施鼓励他们返乡。
But first, he said, euro-area countries must establish trust by enacting big financial reforms. 但他表示,这些欧元区国家首先必须通过制定更大的财政改革来建立信任。
The goal is to make available those things that could be useful in enacting any kind of process. 其目标是使可能对制定任何类型的流程有用的东西变得可用。
As I speak, we are on the cusp of enacting the toughest financial reforms since the Great Depression. 此刻,我们正处在将大萧条以来最艰难的金融改革形成法律的紧要关头。
Since the mid-1980s, the Japanese government has been enacting initiatives to replace existing poles with underground lines. 自80年代中期以来,日本政府采取措施用地下线路替代地表的电线杆。
That means enacting politically controversial policies such as taxing carbon pollution, creating market-based cap and trade programs, or setting new regulations. 这意味着要实施充满政治争议的政策,比如对碳污染征税、创造基于市场的总量控制和交易(cap-and-trade)项目,或者实施新规定。
Congress has occasionally responded to these concerns by enacting statutes that require strict separation of prosecuting and deciding functions. 国会偶尔对这些关注作出反应,制定法规要求严格的起诉和裁决职能的分立。
Overall, European nations were the most active in enacting reforms. 总之,欧洲国家在实施改革方面是最积极的。
The sensation of resistance is due to an improper inhibition and integration of urges to action before enacting them. 阻力感受出于在行动之前对行动的各种冲动所施加了不适当的整合和抑制。
Enacting and improving rules and regulations. 37、制定、完善法律法规。
The subtitle of a law shall set forth the enacting organ and the date of promulgation. 法律标题的题注应当载明制定机关、通过日期。
That time has certainly arrived on enacting an all of the above national energy policy. 实施全面国家能源政策的时刻无疑已经到来。
Andthis was because Westmoreland was enacting an attrition-based strategy. 这一切都归因于威斯特摩兰所制定的消耗策略。
Many states have outpaced Washington in enacting laws to curb the cozy relationships between lobbyists and politicians. 许多州在通过限制说客与政治家关系的法律方面走在华盛顿的前面。
Last week, Congress averted a government shutdown by enacting a stop-gap spending measure that funds federal agencies for a two-week period. 上星期,国会通过了填补缺口的经费开支措施,避免了在这两星期期间关闭政府部门。
Enacting trade agreements would also be constructive. 签订贸易协定也是有建设性的。
In the same year, Kingsignal drafted five IEC international standard proposals, and took part in the drafting and the enacting of several international and military standard proposals. 在这一年,金信诺起草了IEC五项国际标准提案,参与了多项国家标准和军工标准的起草、制定。
Empirical research of this paper on influencing factors of sichuan province's international tourism demand is of momentous significance for enacting sichuan's tourism and economic policies. 本文关于四川省入境旅游需求影响因素的实证研究,对制定四川省旅游和经济政策有着重要的参考意义。
This author puts forward the following four advices to perfect the legal regulations of public company security: firstly, enacting the reasonable limitation on public company security; 为此,提出完善对上市公司担保行为规制的四点建议:一是对上市公司担保设定合理的限制条件;
The enacting of Independent Treasury Act was the victory of the laissez-faire. 《独立国库法》的确立是自由放任主义的胜利。
Enacting and implementation of Employment Promotion Act will play an important role in achieving the creed of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 《就业促进法》适时的颁布和实施,将在全面建设小康社会过程中发挥重要作用。
This survey provides decision-making basis for enacting appropriate policy. 这一调查为该地区制定适宜政策提供了决策依据。
Some traditional authorities are enacting new laws to reinforce their land rights and enable them appropriate it for their own gain. 有些传统权威正在制定新的法律,以加强其地权并使其得以为自己的利益而将土地据为己有。
The response would, of course, be for the enraged US Congressmen to start enacting their own retaliation. 这些反应必将激怒美国国会议员,导致他们制定自己的报复措施。
Enacting laws and regulations, and establishing mechanism to protect by law the rights and interests of women and children. 建立健全保护妇女儿童的各项法律法规和保护机制,依法保护妇女儿童权益。
In the case of difference between the new general provision and an old special provision enacted by the same agency, the enacting agency shall make the ruling; 同一机关制定的新的一般规定与旧的特别规定不一致时,由制定机关裁决;
Now the Civil Code is in process of enacting, and the discussion about the systems increase day by day. 当前民法典的制定工作正在进行中,对于民法典中的各种制度的讨论日渐增多。
Some Problems on Enacting the "Discretion Standards" of the Law on Administrative Penalties for Public Security 关于制定《治安管理处罚法》裁量标准的几个问题
To enhance law-based governance, the State Council made proposals to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on enacting or revising 34 laws, put forward a bill for abolishing the system of reeducation through labor, and enacted or revised 47 administrative regulations. 推进依法行政,国务院提请全国人大常委会制定修订法律34件,提出废止劳动教养制度议案,制定修订行政法规47件。