The system shall have multiple encipherment protection which can be maintained by the maintainers. 系统要有多重密码机制,密码可由系统维护人员维护。
It can embed into other software, so it seems that the software has professional encipherment function. 能直接嵌入各类应用软件,仿佛使其具有加密功能一般。
If it was a lovely sister, maybe it can also become good friends, I am going to precedent, huh, huh, Encipherment QQ chat to look at his record is a shortcut. 如果是个可爱的妹妹说不定还可以成为好朋友呢,本人就有先例,呵呵,保密看他的QQ聊天纪录就是一条捷径。
A new encipherment mechanism of IEEE 802.11 wireless lan IEEE802.11无线局域网的一种新的加密机制
Quantum computer is a new generation one, researched about communication encipherment technique of quantum based on polarization characteristics of photons in communication network of quantum computer 量子计算机是新一代的计算机,探讨了在量子计算机通信网络中以光子的极化特性为基础的量子加密技术
This paper discussed the theory of AES algorithm, described round function and key expension encipherment, and then presented two implemental ways based on FPGA: serial processing and pipelining. 本文在分析了AES算法原理的基础上,详细论述了轮变换及密钥扩展算法的编制原理,分别提出了串行和并行两种利用FPGA硬件来实现AES算法的方案;
Security communication encipherment mechanisms of computer network 计算机网络安全通信保密机制
Applying an overlay technique in the encipherment of programs 覆盖技术在程序加密中的应用
An Information and Data Encipherment System in Network Communication 一种网络通信中信息和数据的加密系统
Based on some fundamental characteristics of encipherment, combining the use of special hard secter formatting for diskette with the soft encryption far file, this paper proposes one methed for encipherment of software, which is simple and convenient in operating and flexible in application. 本文从加密技术和基本特征出发,使用对磁盘局部特殊格式化和应用程序软加密相结合方法,取得了简单易行、实用有效,并且灵活变化的效果。
This paper is described the designing thought and realizing method of soft encipherment using the Micro-Dog in detail based on analysing the structure of the Dog. 在剖析微狗结构的基础上,详细阐述了使用微狗进行软件加密的设计思想和实现方法。
Encipherment and its Application for Software 应用软件的加密技术及其使用
This paper introduces the general process and newest results of Fast Encipherment Algorithm ( FEAL) which the focal attention is given to in cryptography areas in recent years, and foresees its application prospects. 文章介绍近年来引起密码学界广泛关注的快速加密算法(FEAL)的研究概况及其最新成果,并对其应用前景进行了展望。
Computer implemented communication channel encoding and information encipherment encryption for data base 信道编码和信息加密的计算机实现
The Retrospect and Prospect of Fast Encipherment Algorithm Research 快速加密算法研究回顾与展望
National Institute of Standards and Technology announced Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES) as data Encryption Standard, which has certain advantages over original symmetric encipherment algorithm in security, conciseness, cost, and have widespread application prospect. 高级加密标准(AEs)是美国国家标准与技术研究局宣布采用的数据加密标准,在安全性、简洁性、实现成本等方面与原有的对称加密算法相比具有一定的优势,具有广泛的应用前景。