教皇通谕 An encyclical is an official letter written by the Pope and sent to all Roman Catholic bishops, usually in order to make a statement about the official teachings of the Church.
But if you read the encyclical there is a flaw in the argument that undermines the credibility of the whole text. 但如果你通读这则教皇通谕,就会发现其论据有一个瑕疵损害了整个文本的可信度。
Francis tapped a wide variety of sources in his encyclical, partly to underscore the universality of his message. 教皇方济各在这份通谕中引述甚广,部分原因是为强调他要传达的信息的普遍性。
The encyclical undermines their efforts. 教皇通谕对他们的努力没有帮助。
The Vatican released the encyclical at noon on Thursday, three days after an Italian magazine posted a leaked draft online, to the fury of Vatican officials. 梵蒂冈在周四上午公布了通谕,让梵蒂冈官员愤怒的是,三天前一家意大利杂志就在网上发布了泄漏出来的草稿。
Pope Francis will call for a drastic reduction in carbon emissions and lash out against economic powers that are opposing efforts to combat climate change, according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment. 教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)即将发表的一则关于环境的通谕初稿显示,他将呼吁大幅减少碳排放,并抨击那些抵制抗击气候变化努力的经济大国。
The encyclical implies that climate change is a problem of the rich world consuming too much. 教皇通谕暗示,气候变化是发达国家消费过多的问题。
His remarks on the environment were the first since he released his encyclical last month calling on world leaders to take immediate action to halt climate change, including ending the Earth's reliance on fossil fuels. 教宗上个月发表圣谕,呼吁世界各国领导人立即行动起来,制止气候变化,其中包括结束地球对化石燃料的依赖。教宗在基多的讲话是自那以来首次提到环境问题。
Francis, the first pope from the developing world, used the encyclical titled Laudato Si', or Praise Be to You to highlight the crisis posed by climate change. 方济各是第一位来自发展中世界的教皇,他用题为LaudatoSi(赞美你)的通谕来突出气候变化所带来的危机。
Buried deep in the Encyclical Letter issued on the eve of the G8 Summit, Pope Benedict XVI warns: Sometimes modern man is wrongly convinced that he is the sole author of himself, his life and society. 八国集团(G8)峰会前夕,本笃十六世(PopeBenedictXVI)发布了教皇通谕,告诫:现代人有时错误地深信,他是自己、自己的人生以及社会的唯一创作者。
Pope John Paul II, Encyclical letter: Faith and Reason, 1998. 教宗若望保禄二世,《信仰与理性》通谕1998。
( social cultural tradition, national custom, psychology) etc. encyclical knowledge; auxiliary language elements and associated discourse context. 认知语用语境因素:背景知识和语用前提、副语言成分、社会文化传统、民族习惯、心理等百科性知识、语篇联想语境。