It returns NULL, defined in stdio. h, for either error or EOF [ end-of-file]; after the loop, we check for which one occurred. 对于错误或EOF[文件结束],它都返回NULL,这是在stdio.h中定义的;循环结束后,我们会检查究竟是哪种情况。
When all the data have been written, set the eof ( end-of-file) argument. 当所有数据全部写入之后,就需要设置eof(文件结束参数)。
Note that you must provide the end-of-file character when you're finished typing& typically, Ctrl-D. 请注意,您在结束键入时必须提供文件结束字符,通常为Ctrl-D。
By default, the end-of-file string is an underscore (_); if that character is sent as a single input argument, everything after it is ignored. 缺省情况下,文件结束字符串是下划线();如果将该字符作为单个输入参数来发送,则它之后的所有内容将被忽略。
This returns EOF on error or end-of-file. 该函数对于错误或文件结束都返回EOF。
Ignoreeof: Ignore end-of-file characters, and do not exit the shell. ignoreeof:忽略文件结束字符,并且不退出shell。
The record pointer is at end-of-file. 记录指针到达文件尾。
More than a few tools interpret these bytes as end-of-file or some other special delimiter, with unexpected, unanticipated, and generally unpleasant effects. 很多工具将这些字节解释为文件尾或者其他某种特殊的分界符,造成不希望的、未曾预料到的、常常是不愉快的结果。