Their taste for gambling has endeared them to Las Vegas casino owners 他们因好赌而深受拉斯维加斯赌场老板的欢迎。
He has endeared himself to the American public. 他已经赢得了美国民众的好感。
As time went on, although he lived primarily in the brush, the habits of this timid creature endeared him more and more to all of us. 随着时光消逝,虽然它主要生活在灌木丛里,这头胆怯动物的习惯越来越为我们所有人喜爱。
Bingley was endeared to Darcy by the easiness, openness, ductility of his temper, though no disposition could offer a greater contrast to his own, and though with his own he never appeared dissatisfied. 达西所以喜欢彬格莱,是因为彬格莱为人温柔敦厚、坦白直爽,尽管个性方面和他自己极端相反,而他自己也从来不曾觉得自己的个性有什么不完美的地方。
Child as I was, I at once felt the tenderness and sympathy which endeared Dr. Bell to so many hearts, as his wonderful achievements enlist their admiration. 虽然是个小孩子,可我马上就感到了贝尔博士的善良和强烈的同情心,当时他功成名就,深受世人敬仰。
By becoming the first G7 country to join the institution, Mr Osborne will have endeared himself to Beijing. 通过使英国成为七国集团中首个加入亚投行的国家,奥斯本将会赢得北京的青睐。
Did a mad jealousy and withered pride, poison sweet remembrances that should have endeared and made her precious to him? 是不是一种疯狂的炉嫉和被刺伤的骄傲在毒害那本应使他亲近她、宠爱她的甜蜜的回忆?
This behavior endeared her to me. 这个行为使她和我亲密起来。
Your good character and colorful personality have endeared you to many lifelong friends. 您的优良品德、活泼有趣的个性,赢得许多终身朋友的喜爱。
This is the aspect that endeared him to Carlyle. 这就是卡莱尔喜欢他的原因。
We can assume, however, that he would not have been endeared to them. 然而,我们可以猜想,他也不会受到它们的喜爱。
Tangible benefits have endeared referral programmes to employers, particularly the opportunity to cut recruitment budgets. 切实的益处使引荐计划得到了雇主的青睐,特别是它为企业创造了削减招聘预算的机会。
The little girl's charming smiles endeared her to all the people. 小女孩那妩媚的微笑使所有的人都喜爱她。
The move endeared the Kirchners to football fans and stung the opposition-friendly media company that had owned the rights. 由于支持反对党的传媒公司已获得转播权,因此他们对这一举动大为不满,但基什内尔夫妇却因此深受球迷拥戴。
The little girl's unselfishness endeared her to the old lady, who gave her a ruby ring as a birthday present. 那老夫人喜爱小姑娘的无私,就送给她红宝石戒指作为生日礼物。
His folksy manner has endeared him to his neighbors. 他平易近人的态度使他受到邻居们的喜爱。
His habit of interrupting the speakers endeared him to nobody. 他有打断别人谈话的习惯,没有人喜欢他。
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endeared. 不是奏给耳朵听,而是更甜。
He has endeared his girlfriend to his family. 他已经让自己的女朋友融入到他的家庭之中。
His kindness endeared him to everyone. 他为人善良,深受人们的喜爱。
He was endeared to me by a warm friendship of40 years. 他是我极要好的四十年的老朋友。
His kindness of heart endeared him to all. 他的仁慈心肠使他为大家所喜爱。
The professor's drollness endeared him to his students. 教授十分幽默使他备受学生欢迎。
He spoke eloquently with the self-effacing humour that has endeared him to the American press. 他的言谈雄辩有力,谦逊幽默,这使他很受美国新闻界的欢迎。
Granny's kindness endeared her to everyone in the community. 老大娘的仁慈心地使她受到这一带所有人的喜爱。
Her kindness endeared her to everyone. 她为人善良,受人喜爱。
It would be easy to pick out from the life and character of a man with such a versatile talent and colourful life a conglomerate of the qualities that have endeared him to his reader. 在一个多才多艺,生活上多彩多姿的人身上,挑选出他若干使人敬爱的特点,倒是轻而易举。
She endeared herself to everyone. 她使大家都喜爱她。
Second, and this really endeared him to everyone in the room, whether they agreed with him or not, was the unambiguous display of "Chicago values" in how he conducted the meeting. 第二,他主持会议的方式清晰展现了“芝大价值观”,这确实使他受到了房间里每个人的爱戴,不管他们是否同意他的观点。
That you have used every ruthless stratagem to win the much-coveted promotion hasn't endeared you to your rivals. 你为得到渴望的晋升,所使用的每一个无情的计谋,并没有为你赢得比你对手更多的好感。