Whether that endears them to their new Cadillac could help determine the fate of the company's most high-profile launch of the next few months. 这会不会使更他们更钟爱通用这款高调登场的新型凯迪拉克?这个问题或将在XTS推出后的几个月里决定这款汽车的命运。
It's this side of her that endears Condoleezza to her friends. 正是她的这一面,使康多莉扎备受朋友的喜爱。
The colourful language of the rank-and-file endears this man to his troops, but causes vague disquiet amongst his peers. 此人“丰富多彩”的粗俗语言让他博得了士兵们的爱戴,但是在他的同僚中造成了不良影响。
His outspoken honesty continues to irk those in power or who are privileged, but endears him to ordinary people. 他的坦率与诚实令当权者和那些享有特权的人感到头疼,但是很受普通百姓的钟爱。
Nothing generally endears men so much as participation of dangers and misfortunes. ( No.200) 没有什么比陷入困境和遭遇不幸更普遍地让人们之间更亲近。
Such candour endears her to business partners and foreign rivals. 这种坦率的态度,为她赢得了商业合作伙伴和外国竞争对手的尊敬。
Difficult as this must have been for the family, it endears Wang to many Taiwanese who still embrace conservative family values at least in theory. 这肯定会让家人感到难以相处,却让王永庆赢得了许多至少在理论上信奉传统家庭价值观念的台湾人的爱戴。