Giulia Enders, a German microbiologist, claims that people in Western countries are emptying their bowels in totally the wrong way-and instead of sitting on the loo, we should be squatting. 德国微生物学家茱莉亚•恩德斯称,西方国家的人们大便的方式完全错误&大便时不应坐着而应蹲着。
At the Berlin Airshow in July, Airbus Group CEO Tom Enders urged Europe to completely overhaul its space launcher industry, mentioning SpaceX and CEO Elon Musk by name. 在7月份的柏林国际航空航天展上,空客集团(AirbusGroup)CEO汤姆o恩德斯敦促欧洲航天器发射企业进行彻底革新,并且提到了SpaceX及其首席执行官埃隆o穆斯克。
Musk gives us the opportunity to shake up what has been quite a successful European space industry, Enders told Reuters. 恩德斯在接受路透社(Reuters)采访时表示:虽然欧洲航天业一直都相当成功,而穆斯克给我们带来了对它进行重整的机会。
Sitting is in fact all wrong, and actually prolongs the process, explains Ms Enders, who is studying in Frankfurt for her medical doctorate in microbiology. 事实上,坐便是完全错误的方式,它实际上延长了大便的时间,在法兰克福攻读微生物学博士学位的恩格斯解释道。
Ms Enders adds there is a wealth of research that shows squatting is a more effective way to evacuate the bowels. 恩德斯表示,有大量研究表明蹲便是一种更加有效的排便方式。
It all adds up to a lot to do. But, Ms Enders says, Virgin can afford to take on multiple challenges because of the resilience of the Virgin brand. 有许多事情要做,但是,恩德斯表示,维珍可以承受多重挑战,因为维珍这个品牌适应能力很强。
A major sticking point is the concern that France could maintain a share of the new unified company even if it gives up its day-to-day influence a step envisioned by Tom Enders, EADS chief executive. 一个主要的症结在于人们担心,即便放弃日常影响力,法国政府也可能保留其在合并后新公司的股权,这是eads首席执行官汤姆恩德斯(tomenders)的预测。
"We've made tremendous progress, it makes me more optimistic on2011 than I was for2010," Enders said in a statement. “我们已取得巨大的进步,在2011年这使得我比2010年更乐观,”恩德斯在一个声明中说。
Mr Enders said Airbus would defend its leading market position and that it was doubtful there would be room for six competitors. 恩德斯表示,空客会捍卫自己的市场领导地位,并对市场是否能够容纳6家竞争者表示怀疑。
Enders, we didn't pick your name out of a hat. 我们把你从名单中选出来。
European companies such as Airbus are complaining about a loss of competitiveness, with Tom Enders, chief executive of the aircraft maker, calling the dollar fall life-threatening. 空客(Airbus)等欧洲公司正在抱怨竞争力的丧失。这家飞机制造商的首席执行官汤姆•恩德斯(TomEnders)认为,美元下跌是有生命危险的。