The sole decoration of the four rooms on the ground floor, which composed his lodgings, consisted of framed herbariums, and engravings of the old masters. 他住在楼下,有四间屋子和一个小花园,家里唯一的装饰是些嵌在玻璃框里的植物标本和一些老名家的版画。
Its lintels, brackets and roofs all have artistic engravings on them. 其建筑物的门楣、斗拱、梁拄,均有精美木雕。
It could contain currency, gold ingots, paintings and engravings. 里面可能有货币,金条,画,雕刻品。
Stone Tian Lu and Bi Xie of Han dynasty in Nanyang are the artistic treasure of Chinese engravings and have been recorded the protection and study process by the people from Tang dynasty to now. 南阳汉代雕塑天禄、邪这对雕塑艺术瑰宝历经沧桑,记录了从唐代至今天对它们的研究保护过程。
The Cai's lacquer engravings reminiscently remain the unique folk art in southern Fujian province. 漆线雕完整地保留闽南独特的民间艺术特色。
Most of my pictures are etchings, engravings, or screen prints. 我的画多数是蚀刻画、版画或加网印刷品。
The traditional preparation process of lacquer engravings includes sculpturing, filling powder, decorating varnish yarn and being glazed with gold. 传统的漆线雕制作包括四个方面:雕塑,粉底,漆线装饰,妆金填彩。
Most of the ancient Chinese sculptures were religious artifacts or tomb engravings. 中国古代雕塑,绝大部分都属于宗教雕塑和陵墓雕塑。
Most engravings, for example, are best lit from the left, as befits the work of right-handed artists. 大多数的版画,从左边照明都是最好的,这样合适于使用右手的艺术家的工作。
Political caricaturist Daumier created a lot of thinking deep and exaggerated image of the stone engravings and paintings. 政治讽刺画家杜米埃创作了大量思想深刻而形象夸张的石版画和油画。
It is illustrated with good engravings. 它插有很好的雕刻画。
Quite a number of tomb engravings are displayed over there. 不少碑刻陈列在那儿。
There are no letters or writings, no sketches or engravings. a coarse yellow cardboard made of straw pulp. 没有信件,没有写作,也没有草图或雕板。strawboard黄纸板草纸板。
And they made the onyx stones enclosed in settings of gold, engraved with the engravings of a signet according to the names of the sons of Israel. 6又琢出两块红玛瑙,镶嵌在金槽上,仿佛刻图章,按着以色列儿子们的名字雕刻。
The title passed to the older heir. Zhang inherited the legacy of traditional Chinese clay figurine making skills and also incorporated skills from other art forms such as painting, opera singing and Chinese folk wood engravings. 头衔传给了年长的继承人张明山继承传统的泥塑艺术,从绘画、戏曲、民间木版年画等姊妹艺术中吸收营养。
Most of the ancient Chinese sculptures were religious artifacts or tomb engravings. The statue was carved out of wood. 中国古代雕塑,绝大部分都属于宗教雕塑和陵墓雕塑。这座像是用木头雕成的。
Books of engravings, drawers of medals, cameos, corals, shells, and every other family collection within his cabinets, had been prepared for his old friend, to while away the morning; 他为他的老朋友准备了一本本的版画册,从柜子里拿出一抽屉又一抽屉的纪念章、浮雕宝石、珊瑚、贝壳等家藏珍品,供他消磨一个上午。
Someone had snatched the engravings and tried to burn the rest. 有人把插图撕下来,把剩下的烧掉了。
Peculiar cultural works and processing techniques lead people wanting to know more about French arts into Wuhan Museum to enjoy the collection of French engravings. 奇特的文化作品以及制作工艺,让更多想了解法国艺术的人走进武汉博物馆,关注这来自法国的馆藏版画。
All the Wuqiang New Year Woodblock Engravings, a type of watercolor block printing, belong to handicrafts. 武强年画全部为手工工艺,制作采用木版水色套印而成。
This thesis concentrates on the research about the calligraphy of "The Engravings on Mount Yi". 本文是对《峄山刻石》的书法作专题性研究。
A fine style of handwriting based on the writing used on copperplate engravings. 基于铜雕板的一种精美的手写体形式。
Chinese pavilions and other exotica were inspired by engravings of Chinese gardens in travel books by such travelers as the architect Sir William Chambers. 出现在像钱伯斯爵士(SirWilliamChambers)这样的旅行家的游记中的中国园林的版画使得中国式的亭和其他异国风景也出现在英国园林之中。
I lost myself gazing at painstakingly rendered engravings of battling gladiators, picturesque villages, and Roman ruins at sunrise. 那些巨细无遗的版画搏斗中的角斗士,风景如画的村庄,日出时的罗马废墟每每让我瞠目结舌、口不能言。
Come up to my room and I'll show you my engravings. 到我的房间来,我给你们看我的版画。
Carvings or engravings ( especially on precious stones). 雕刻品或雕版图(尤其是在石头上)。
Rows of trestle tables are stacked with books, maps and old hand-coloured lithographs and wood engravings from all over Britain. 成排的支桌上堆满了来自英国各地的书籍、地图以及古老的手绘平版画和木刻版画。
Someone who sells etchings and engravings etc. 卖蚀刻画和版画等的人。
Originated from the ancient Buddhist sculpture art, the development of lacquer engravings depended on the popularity of the folk religion and the prosperity of Buddhist sculpture. 漆线雕在厦门沿海地区的发展依赖于民间宗教的兴盛及神佛雕塑行业的繁荣。