
英 [ɪnˈlɑːdʒmənts] 美 [ɪnˈlɑrdʒmənts]

n.  扩大; 扩充; 扩展; 增大; 扩大物,放大物(尤指照片)


  1. N-UNCOUNT 放大;扩大
    The enlargement of something is the process or result of making it bigger.
    1. There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings.
    2. ...the Community's enlargement.
  2. 扩印的照片;放大的照片
    An enlargement is a photograph that has been made bigger.


    1. She` s one of thousands of young Chinese women, and an increasing number of men, who are choosing to have eyelid reconstruction, nasal-bridge augmentation or breast enlargements in hopes of improving their chances of finding mates, getting better jobs or both.
    2. Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria invade the root hairs of host plants, where they multiply and stimulate the formation of root nodules, enlargements of plant cells and bacteria in close association.
    3. I'd like 3 enlargements from this negative.
    4. One contact print and two enlargements of each. Wall, flooring, tables, panels, picture frames and sliced veneer.
    5. Please make enlargements of these two negatives.
    6. Double eyelids, nose jobs and breast enlargements are what a growing number of Chinese college and high school students sought during their summer vacations this year.
    7. We would like to have more cuts and photos of specimen enlargements.
    8. The Enlargements of Both NATO and the EU and US-EU-Russia Trilateral Relations
    9. People's own production has outgrown the individual production and the enlargements of middle groups under primitive condition at this moment, and has made people become a real subject that can self-create and self-produce, and then reproduce.
    10. The motor cell columns in the cervical and lumbar enlargements of the spinalcord of the mole
    11. The projection of the lower brain stem to the cervical and lumbar enlargements of the spinal cord in cats& hrp method
    12. Descending projections from the reticular formation of the mesencephalon to spinal enlargements in the pig as demonstrated by the horseradish peroxidase ( HRP) technique
    13. From developments of the Tarim river irrigated area, this article explains effects to the ecological environment of enlargements of the city size, increases in irrigated area population and cultivated area, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to manage Tarim river outstanding ecological environmental problems.
    14. This thesis is according to the camera now condition in our country, and makes enlargements analysis of market, and calculates the development condition of industry, provides the solid basis for the marketing strategy to lays down.
    15. Ultrasonography shows extensive nerve enlargements in multifocal motor neuropathy
    16. The prosperous future of this method stems from presses in the applications and developments of projects, such as equipment enlargements, equipment integration, and diversity of products.
    17. Results: The characteristics of sonography of testis torsion were as follows: ① The position changes of testis and epididymis in scrotum. ② The clear reduction or disappearing of blood supply in testis. ③ The whole enlargements of testis and epididymis.
    18. Among 20 PPCM, there were enlargements of the right atrium in 6 cases, of the right ventricle in 8 cases and 20% cardiomegaly.
    19. Clinical findings were enlargements of the lymph node and the liver, etc.
    20. Theoretical basis includes: the definition of Immission, constitutive requirements, enlargements of kind, applicability and the application of principle.
    21. In company with the enlargements of students 'number, sound students information management system has become the key link of enlarging education scale to train high talent cross-centennial talents. And the foundation condition of which our higher education can be developed smoothly by.
    22. Compared with the traditional enterprise, the VE demonstrates a number of new features in financial management, which make the VE finance managing face the risk and complexity is enlargements further.