At that point, the system changes from asynchronous behavior to synchronous behavior, where the producer can enqueue messages only as fast as the consumer can dequeue them. 当队列满员时,系统从异步行为切换到同步行为,这时,消息生成者生成消息的速度只能与消息使用者使用消息的速度一样快。
Note here that enqueue and dequeue task functions simply add or remove a task from the particular scheduling structures. 注意,将任务函数加入队列或脱离队列只需从特定调度结构中加入或移除任务。
The requester can choose to enqueue a request but not wait for processing to complete, then periodically check for a response in the response queue while it performs other work. 请求者可以选择为请求排队但是不等待处理的完成。当执行其他工作时,要定时检查响应队列中的响应。
The content of each message is taken from the enqueue message file provided with the SWIFT Sample. 每个消息的内容取自SWIFT示例提供的排队消息文件。
Finally, after constructing the HttpRequest, you invoke its enqueue method. 最后,在构建好HttpRequest之后,调用其enqueue方法。
It has one method to enqueue tasks and another method to work them out. 它有一个能使任务入队的方法和另外一个使任务出队的方法。
A pipe is composed of a queue and two file descriptors& one to enqueue data and the other to dequeue data. 管道由一个队列和两个文件描述符(一个用于数据入列,另一个用于数据出列)组成。
This structure is used to enqueue work from the top half to be deferred for execution later by the bottom half. 该结构体用于将任务安排出tophalf,进入bottomhalf,从而延迟它的执行。
Transactional support, so enqueue and dequeue operations exhibit the transactional properties of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability 事务性支持,这样入队和出队操作都具有事务特性:原子性、一致性、隔离性以及可持久性
First, simply enqueue the work on a work queue using queue_work ( which ties the work to the current CPU). 首先,利用queuework简单地将任务安排进工作队列(这将任务绑定到当前的CPU)。
The servers enqueue messages for clients with durable subscriptions and make these events redundantly available on multiple nodes for high availability. 服务器通过持久订阅(durablesubscription)对客户端消息排队,并使这些事件在多个节点上冗余以求高效。