She looked at Miss Melville, snugly ensconced among her new friends. 她看了看梅尔维尔小姐,她正舒适地安坐在新朋友中间。
He ensconced himself in the closet in order to eavesdrop. 他藏在壁橱里,以便偷听。
While I thought theideaof paying bonuses with debt instruments was a poor one two-and-a-half years ago, I did not realize back then that the game of interest rate finagling was already well ensconced in the halls of banking. 虽然笔者认为,用债券工具支付奖金的想法是两年半前一个糟糕的点子,当时我并没有意识到这场利率欺诈游戏早已在银行业中扎根了。
Had she been ensconced here under other and more pleasant conditions she would have become alarmed; but, outside humanity, she had at present no fear. 如果她当时所处的境遇是比她现在更好的境遇,她一定要张惶失措的;但是,只要不是人类,现在她是不害怕了。
There I was, safely ensconced in my comer, when Ralph came up and disturbed me. 我正舒适地坐在角落里,这时拉尔夫过来打扰了我。
It is easy for those ensconced in the citadel of trade bureaucracy to lose sight of such inconvenient facts. 对那些躲在贸易官僚机构堡垒里的人士来说,这些令人尴尬的事实当然是眼不见为净。
She ensconced herself in an armchair. 她舒适地安坐在一张扶手椅里。
Yet today, happily ensconced in the University of pennsylvania, Mr DiIulio has lost none of his enthusiasm for faith-based solutions to america's social problems. 如今,迪由里奥在宾夕法尼亚大学安居乐业,寻求用宗教来解答美国社会问题的热情未减。
They found the sharp new heap they were seeking, and ensconced themselves within the protection of three great elms that grew in a bunch within a few feet of the grave. 在离坟几英尺内的地方,有三棵大榆树长在一起,于是他们就躲在那里。
A dozen of you have ensconced your selves here for2 years. 两年来起码有一打你的人在这里捣乱。
Ensconced in a parallel world of conservative news sources and conservative arguments, all manner of comforting alternative visions of reality surfaced during the 2012 election. 他们被安置在一个充斥着保守派新闻来源和保守派论点的平行世界里,所有这些自我安慰的现实错觉都在2012年的大选中浮现出来。
The missing child is now safely ensconced at home. 失踪的小孩现在正安安稳稳地待在家里。
After dinner, I ensconced myself in a deep armchair with a book. 晚饭后我拿着本书安坐在一把很深的扶手椅中。
At one end of the big barn, on a sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw, under a lantern which hung from a beam. 大谷仓的一边,在一个微微凸起的地方,少校已经舒适的窝在它的草席上了,它头顶的横梁上悬挂着一盏灯笼。
Only the zhongjianzi alley, where my parents and brothers live, are my home forever, deeply ensconced in my heart and soul. 只有住着我的父母和弟弟们的中剪子巷才是我灵魂深处永久的家。
Technology executives, ensconced here at a seaside golf resort, declared the current frothiness in the Internet market as the early days of a boom& but not the peak of a bubble. 科技止业的下管们散散正在减州一处海滨下人夫度真村,声称互联网市场该先的泡沫是简荣收展的始期阶段,而并是泡沫的颠峰。