The French entente with Great Britain had already been significantly extended 法国和英国之间友好协议的范围已经大幅度拓宽。
Electoral pacts would not work, but an entente cordiale might. 选举协定不会起作用,但是政府间的谅解也许可以。
Canada and the United States have a long-standing entente on border problems. 加拿大和美国在边界问题上有一个长期存在的协约。
During the first world war, the Balkans was divided into two camps: serbia was fighting on the side of the Triple Entente against Bulgaria and turkey, which were in coalition with the central powers. 一战期间,巴尔干分成两个阵营:塞尔维亚在三国协约一方作战,而保加利亚和土耳其则与中央列强结盟。
The biggest distinction: the entente countries is advantageous to china, ally wants aggressive china. 最大的区别:协约国对中国来说是有利的,同盟国是要侵略中国的。
Britain and France, whose alliance dated to the entente cordiale of1904 and two world wars, drew opposite lessons from this humiliation. 英法联盟可追溯至1904年的友好协议和两次世界大战期间的联盟,但这次羞辱成了反面教材。
The session brings the dicast's subsistence inconvenient, please dicast's entente. 期间给市民的生活带来不便,请市民谅解。
He will eventually be forced to seek a truce or a more cordial entente with the government. 他终将被迫向政府寻求休战或者是一种比较友善的谅解。
The two leaders signed a treaty of entente and cooperation. 两位领导人签署了友好合作条约。
Our Entente have [ has] decided to declare war. 我协约国已决定宣战。
There was a heated propaganda war between the Entente Countries and the Ally Countries during WWI. 协约国和同盟国在一战中展开了激烈的宣传战。
The article analyzes the reason why the Entente Countries won the war of propaganda. 协约国取得宣传战胜利的原因是多方面的。
The paper sketches out construction agent entente, construction agent appropriative items. 论文设计了委托代建协议书、代建合同专用条款范例。
The second part is about the diplomatic dilemma faced by Britain, the failure of the Geneva Naval Conference and the Entente took Britain into a very passive diplomatic situation. 第二部分讲的是英国所面临的外交困境,日内瓦海军会议的失败和英法协约将英国带入一个被动的外交局面。
The Entente Powers met in Paris to dispose the defeated countries after the First World War. 第一次世界大战结束后不久,协约国在巴黎召开了处置战败国的国际会议。
Britain invited Faisal to come to Europe and negotiate with the Entente countries on the Syrian Issue with the attempt to persuade Faisal to accept the established arrangements. 英国试图说服费萨尔接受既定的安排,邀请他到欧洲与英、法就叙利亚问题进行协商。
While the World War I broke out, Australia and Japan fought in the same camp for the Triple Entente. 第一次世界大战爆发后,澳大利亚和日本同在协约国阵营。