VERB 兴奋地说;津津乐道地讲述 If you enthuse about something, you talk about it in a way that shows how excited you are about it.
Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine... 伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。
'I've found the most wonderful house to buy!' she enthused. “我已经找到想买的最棒的房子啦!”她兴奋地说。
VERB 使兴奋;使有热情 If you are enthused by something, it makes you feel excited and enthusiastic.
I was immediately enthused... 我立即兴奋起来。
Conference participants were clearly enthused by their presence, and the two women responded by listening intently... 她们的出席令与会者明显兴奋起来,作为回应这两位女士也专心倾听起来。
Find a hobby or interest which enthuses you. 培养一个自己喜欢的爱好或兴趣。
The speech had the desired aim of enthusing staff. 这次演讲希望能够鼓舞员工的士气。
Nick was enthusing about how well things had worked out. 尼克正大谈事情进展是如何顺利。
He was enthusing about his new car. 他着迷于他的新车。
It all depends on what timeframe you are looking at – and whether you are worrying about politics or enthusing about technology. 这完全取决于你以什么样的时间跨度看待问题,以及你是对政治忧心忡忡还是对技术充满热情。
There have been lots of folks enthusing about the BBW on various forums, particularly at the price. 在很多论坛上看见很多人很喜欢BBW,尤其是价格,但是我个人觉得买东西要达到“物有所值”的效果。
She was enthusing innocently but trivially over something that had caught her eye. 她对引起她注意的东西表现出天真而浅薄的热情。
He was enthusing about his new pocket cassette recorder. 他对自己的新袖珍录音机爱不释手。
TV Drama of revolutionary war subject is an important part of the main theme. The public are enthusing over this subject as the importance of the theme and the particularity of the history events. 革命战争题材电视剧作为主旋律作品中的重要组成部分,因其题材意义的重大性和历史事件的特殊性而备受电视业界的关注和观众的喜爱。