A violent man entices his neighbor and leads him down a path that is not good. 强暴人诱惑邻舍,领他走不善之道。
This article introduced the user assistance facilities of Eclipse and entices you, as a developer, to consider using these facilities to benefit your end users. 这篇文章介绍了Eclipse的用户辅助工具,并建议您(开发人员)考虑使用这样的工具来使您的最终用户受益。
The cherishing reputation, does not pocket the money, resists entices not good, does not make the damage personality the matter. 爱惜名誉,拾金不昧,抵制不良诱惑,不做有损人格的事。
This entices visitors to stay at your site for a while. 这引诱游客留在您的网站了。
Then, a window uncovered seems less arresting than one whose curtain drapes with one end in motion, for the latter entices mortals to peep in and fancy with boundless interest. 所以,赤裸裸的窗口不引人注重,而一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探预测,生出无限爱好。
An open platform strategy is one that entices third-party developers to add value for your users. 开放平台策略是吸引第三方程序编写人员为你的用户提供更多价值。
Because when a man sees that you'll accept a little, it entices him to even greater audacity. 极度焦虑中,我想到了《追风筝的人》里面的一句话:没有良知的人从不承受痛苦。
Left alone with him, she entices Jos é with suggestions of a rendezvous that night. 在与贺塞独处时,卡门诱惑贺塞在晚上与她幽会。
It's not that sin no longer entices us. 这不是说,罪从此就不引诱我们了。
But we should note, here had demonstrated to us Satan three ways which entices to us. 不过我们应该注意到,这里向我们显示了撒旦对我们诱惑的三种方式。
As humans in the3rd density we face unique weaknesses and challenges they may not have had in incarnations, so I wonder, with our strengths and uniqueness, what entices them or enthralls them? 正如我们第三密度的人类面临着独特的弱点和挑战,他们或许没有化身,所以我很好奇,我们具有优势和独特性,是什么诱使他们或迷住了他们呢?
The lonely feeling is very bad, very beautiful, entices very much. 寂寞的感觉很坏,很美,很诱惑。
Every year, it entices undergraduates to build biological systems. 每年,它吸引大学生前来建造生物系统。
In the story, the wicked witch entices the children INTN her cottage with sweets and cakes. 故事中,坏巫婆用糖果和蛋糕把孩子们诱进她的小屋。
This type of approach entices the emotions of the readers. 这种方式引诱读者的情绪。
That is a unique benefit that really entices them to ACT NOW! 这是一个独特的好处,真正诱使他们现在就采取行动!
Under pyramidal share structure, the separation of ultimate controlling shareholders 'ownership from control right entices them into severer profit transfer. 在金字塔控股结构下,终极控股股东所有权和控制权的分离诱使了更为严重的利益输送行为。
On the one hand, knowledge is a product of human being; on the other hand, knowledge in return molds man, entices him to make more demands, and drives him to release himself from necessity and to move towards freedom. 一方面,知识是人的产物,同时知识又反过来塑造人,诱发人更多的需求,推动人类解除必然的限制,走向自由。