It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements 查清楚你可以享受哪些福利是绝对有必要的。
Third, for rule based authorization, the rule will require specific entitlements. 第三,对于基于规则的授权,规则将要求具有特定的权限。
These additional controls may be based on user roles and/ or tenant entitlements that are obtained from the tenant context. 这些附加控制可能要基于用户角色和/或从租户上下文中获得的租户资格。
Ensuring the target system has sufficient memory and processor resources to meet the LPAR's current entitlements. 确认目标系统有足够的内存和处理器资源,可以满足LPAR当前的需求。
For many observers, the central question in debates over deficit reduction is what can be done about entitlements. 对许多观察人士而言,减赤辩论的核心问题是,对享受福利的权利可以做些什么。
They should obsess over making a contribution to society, rather than their own entitlements. 他们应该热心为社会做贡献,而不是纠结于自身的权益。
But defence, national security and entitlements, such as Social Security and Medicare, were exempted. 但是国防,国家安全和福利津贴的开支不列入其内。
Pension entitlements and client servicing section; 养恤金权利和客户服务科;
These may not just raise taxes but reform entitlements, notably Medicare and Medicaid, the federal health plans for the elderly and poor. 其可能不仅将提高税负而且将变革福利计划,尤其是对于老人和穷人的联邦医疗保险和医疗补助计划。
They will also forfeit their entitlements under long-term incentive plans and deferred bonus share programmes. 他们还将失去员工长期激励计划以及递延股权奖金计划的资格。
Member States may if they so choose postpone the distribution of fruit and vegetable entitlements for up three years. 如果会员国愿意推迟分布水果和蔬菜的权利,可以有最多三年的限期。
Hard decisions on spending, entitlements and taxes in countries with large budget deficits are unavoidable. 背负巨额预算赤字的国家必须在开支、福利和税收方面做出艰难决定。
When will we don't just ask what are my entitlements, but what are my responsibilities; 此时我们不是仅仅询问我们的的权利,而是询问我们的义务。
Apprentices will sign a contract on employment detailing their training program, outlining their entitlements and specifying the duration of the program. 学徒们将签署一份劳动合同,里面详细介绍了他们的培训计划,概述了他们的权益并规定了计划的期限。
And migrants fear losing their entitlements when they cross provincial lines. 而且移居者们担心当他们跨省时丧失了他们的权利。
The Employment Ordinance provides for various employment-related benefits and entitlements for employees. 《雇佣条例》订明与雇佣有关的各种雇员福利和权益。
The approach also should be broad, including reductions in tax expenditures and entitlements. 美国还应采取广泛方式,包括削减税收支出和津贴。
Consumers are entitled to these rights: system of allowances and entitlements 消费者享有如下权利:津贴和应享权利制度
System of allowances and entitlements 津贴和应享权利制度
And, finally, to keep this economy strong we must take on the challenge of entitlements. 最后,为了保持经济稳定,我们需要面对权利的挑战。
In that case shocks are accommodated immediately through adjustments of the entitlements. 在那种情况下,可以立即调整权利以调节冲击。
Individuals and institutions must adapt to new notions of actual and perceived entitlements. 个人和机构必须接受那些事实上已被认可的新观念。
Gender biases in power, resources, entitlements, norms and values, and the way in which organizations are structured and programmes are run damage the health of millions of girls and women. 权力、资源、福利、规范和价值观方面的性别偏向、各种组织构成的方式以及规划运转的方式对成百万女童和妇女的健康造成危害。
Is so, could sex workers enjoy the same legal entitlements and employee benefits as the rest of us? 如果能,性工作者是否因该和我们一样,享有法律权益和员工福利?
Employment-related benefits and entitlements 与雇佣有关的雇员福利和其它权益
French unions plan to strike in protest at plans to reform their pension entitlements. 法国工会打算罢出自经济学人工以抗议对改革其退休金权益的计划。
Nozick believe the paramountcy of entitlement, and extend Rawls's primary entitlements to various entitlements. 诺齐克则认为权利至上,将罗尔斯的基本权利扩展到各种权利。
So, we must stomach major spending cuts including addressing entitlements and defence not just discretionary spending. 所以,我们必须忍耐重大支出削减(包括社会福利与国防方面),而不仅仅是可自由支配开支。
These entitlements will be hard to cut. 这些公部门应得的权利很难减少。
Pension systems or energy shortages can be fixed by cutting entitlements or spending more. 养老金制度或能源短缺都可通过削减权利或剧增开支来加以完善。