In the fantastic, ancient, popular parlance, which is vanishing day by day, Patron-Minette signifies the morning, the same as entre chien et loup between dog and wolf signifies the evening. 在日趋消失的那种怪诞的古老民间语言中,“猫老板”的意思是早晨,正如“犬狼之间”的词义是傍晚。
Currently, Entre Rios soybeans are more vulnerable to damage given that much of soybeans are in the flowering stage of development. 目前,恩特雷里奥斯省的大豆更容易遭受损失,因为大部分大豆正处在开花阶段。
Celia: You'll always use your dessert fork for your entre. 你总是用你的甜点叉来吃主菜。
Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation in Hekou-Longmen Section of the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River Entre Deux Mers is not exactly between two seas but actually between two rivers: Dordogne and Garonne. 两河区域并不是在两个大洋之间,而事实上是在两条河流之间:多尔多涅河和卡龙河。
Whenever we entre it, we can find the hall is clean and tidy. 无论何时进入食堂,我们总能看到大厅干净整洁。
The juniors expect to win, but, entre nous, their chances are not too good. 三年级的学生想赢得比赛,但是你不要跟别人说,他们赢的机会并不大。
Argentina reported its first finding of Asian soybean rust last week in the Entre Rios province. 上周阿根廷报道了发现于恩特雷里奥斯省的首例亚洲大豆锈菌。
The army of Mikado entre the pearl harbour, affranchise American People, Repair a lot of US armada and ships, after that USA send two atom-bomb to Japan for their friendly relationship. 大和天皇军队进入了珍珠港,解放美国人民,维修了大批美军军舰,而美国亦回馈大日本帝国两个原子弹,促成为美日友好。
And the social entrepreneurs are right at the entre of it. 而社会企业家们,正处于这场变革的中心。
It must fly in the stadium for the entre duration of the Games. 在整个奥运会比赛期间它必须一直体育场内飘扬。
He is using this as an entre to get in the news to raise some money for ACS. 他是以此作为恩特里得到的消息,引起了一些钱联盟。
Entre Rios'soybean production accounted for8% of Argentina's total production last season. 去年,恩特雷里奥斯省的大豆产量占阿根廷总产量的8%。
Amnesty International says Hernandez and others in his organization Entre Amigos ( Between Friends) have received death threats for their work. 据国际特赦组织称,赫南德斯和他所创建的同志组织中的其他盟友们还因此受到过死亡的威胁。
Selexyz made its proposal in2002, and worked with the city council of Maastricht and Entre Deux for the next four years before its opening in2006. 希莱克斯于2002年递交了方案,接下来又跟马斯特里赫特市议会和中间购物中心一起忙碌了四年,这才于2006年开张营业。
The conception of the entre fitting and the qualitatively systematic analysis of its modeling operability for groundwater system 地下水系统整体拟合的构思及其建模的操作性分析
At present, schools which entre the standard test work in shaanxi province is not very much, the implementation process is not perfect. 目前,陕西省参加达标测试工作的学校很少,实施过程不完善。
Furthermore, the entre of international no-profit organization is to improve the development of China non-profit organization. 而今,国际非营利组织的逐步进入,正推动着中国非营利组织的发展。