The FA has resisted all entreaties to pledge its support to the campaign. 足协拒绝了一切希望它能承诺支持这次运动的请求。
Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear, her face half hidden behind the pipa in her arms. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。(白居易《琵琶行》)
The count, fearing to yield to the entreaties of heR he had so ardently loved, called hi sufferings to the assistance of his hatred. 因为他曾热烈地爱过她,他深怕自己会被她的恳求软化,就回忆起他当时受苦的情形来帮助自己坚定仇恨。
Cathy begged that he might be liberated then, as Isabella Linton had no partner: her entreaties were vain, and I was appointed to supply the deficiency. 凯西请求把他放出来,因为伊莎贝拉·林顿没有舞伴,但是她的努力没有什么作用,而我则被叫去填补了那个空缺。
Against Maggie's entreaties, Tom signed his name. 尽管玛吉劝阻,汤姆还是签了自己的名字。
After some opposition, Marianne yielded to her sister's entreaties. 玛丽安对她姐姐的一再恳求反对了一阵,然后就屈服了。
But Mr Jobs turned a deaf ear to their entreaties and instead insisted that the company focus on producing a smartphone. 但乔布斯先生对他们的乞求充耳不闻,而是依然坚持认为公司应该致力于开发一款智能手机。
We were all moved by her entreaties. 我们都被她的恳求感动了。
Summer was already past its prime, when Edgar reluctantly yielded his assent to their entreaties, and Catherine and I set out on our first ride to join her cousin. 当埃德加勉强答应了他们的恳求时,盛夏差不多过了,凯瑟琳和我头一回骑马出发去见她的表弟。
The leader was deaf to all entreaties. 领导对一切恳求都置若罔闻。
Apart from being given limited landing rights in southern China for a satellite TV channel, Mr Murdoch's entreaties to China to be allowed to make or broadcast programmes in the country have been constantly rebuffed. 除了旗下一家卫星电视频道获得登陆华南地区的有限权利以外,默多克在华制作或播放节目的申请都被一一驳回。
Beijing continues to hold down the renminbi – the currency has risen less than 4 per cent against the dollar this year despite entreaties from the US for faster appreciation. 北京方面继续压低人民币汇率&尽管美国要求人民币加速升值,但今年人民币对美元仅升值了不到4%。
It seemed that the bird had had its fill of teasing him, or it might have decided to yield to his soft entreaties. anyway, it finally flew away. 这黑鸟似乎愚弄他已够,又或者真受软不受硬,果然飞走了。
She refused to become involved with him despite his passionate entreaties. 尽管他强烈地请求,她拒绝和他纠缠在一起。
Once, this would have been enough to trigger a sharp sell-off, but investors now enthusiastically ignore entreaties. 过去,这种警告足以引发股市大跌,但现在,狂热的投资者丝毫不为所动。
He had become urgent in his entreaties that the betrothal might take place before his departure. 他急切地请求要在他走之前就订婚。
Be deaf to all advice, requests, entreaties, etc. 对一切劝告、要求、恳求等充耳不闻。
Knowing that, how could she write entreaties to him, or show that she cared for him any more? 既然如此,她怎能写信去恳求他呢?又怎能再向他表示她在挂念他呢?
Despite the stern admonitions and entreaties of her parents and friends, she carried out her plan to join the army. 他不顾父母和朋友的严厉告诚和恳求,实现了参军的计划。
Having received passionate entreaties from many people including writer Hiroko Yamamoto and the staff at Kodansha, I decided to publish this book after long and careful consideration. 从作家HirokoYmamoto和讲谈社的职员那里的到了很热切的拜托之后,我经过很长时间细致的考虑决定出版这本书。
The verse implies, since it begins with mention of the entreaties and petitions of His creatures, that the changes Allah will bring about will be for the better. 这句经文意味着,正因为它以讨论他的创造物的恳求和请愿开始,所以安拉所带来的改变将会使状态变得更好。
Nobody listened to my entreaties. 没有人听我的恳求。
If you and your bed still held any charms for me, no looks and no entreaties could keep me away. 如果你和你的床对我还有什么魅力的话,你无论是枷锁,还是恳求,都是拦不住我的。
The only senior official at the Fed who railed against the excesses of the mortgage market and the housing market was the late Edward gramlich, whose entreaties were ignored. 美联储唯一批评过抵押市场和房地产市场过度行为的高级官员是已经过世的爱德华格拉姆利克(edwardgramlich),他的请求当时被忽视了。
But eventually the stock rating declined, and takeover targets resisted its entreaties. 但最终,该集团股票评级被下调,收购对象也抵制它的收购请求。
But Watson scarcely listened to Blunt's entreaties. 可是沃森简直不听布伦特的劝解。
Goldman is not troubled by consumer loan losses, or endless government entreaties for it to boost lending. 高盛没有消费贷款亏损的困扰,政府也没有无休止地要求其扩大放贷。
The cost of the authority and a proposed systemic risk regulator could be borne by both large banks and small, according to people involved, despite entreaties from the hundreds of small US institutions that they should not pay a levy. 据知情人士透露,决议机构和拟议中的系统性风险监管机构的成本,可能会由大银行和小银行一起承担,尽管数百家小型银行请求称,它们不应该埋单。
But his entreaties on global rebalancing fall flat in China. 但他有关全球重新寻找平衡的恳求,在中国算是白说了。
Always, we are deaf to these entreaties, knowing them to be not quite sincere. 但我们知道那不一定是真心话,便也就不听信那些劝说的话,还是奔向车站。