Entrenchment is the risk of the European approach, of active governance by a few powerful shareholders that influence board directors and sometimes appoint them. 而欧洲的公司治理风险则在于壕沟效应,少数几名大权在握的股东进行积极治理,影响董事会成员,有时甚至直接任命董事。
Major shareholder control induces the abuse of ownership of large shareholder, which results in the entrenchment of minority shareholders and creditors and decreases the value of corporation. 通过建立博弈模型,分析存在大股东侵占的情况下,小股东、法人股东与债权人对大股东的监督博弈问题。
Ultimate Property and Corporate Value& An Experimental Testing on Incentive Effect and Entrenchment Effect of Chinese Listed Company 终极产权与公司价值&对中国上市公司激励与壁垒效应的实证检验
Thanks to the entrenchment of an autonomous Kurdish region in iraq, replete with parliament, army and flag, Kurdish pride and confidence have soared everywhere, making Turks and also Iranians even twitchier. 由于伊拉克的库尔德人实现了自治,拥有了自己的议会、军队和国旗,库尔德人似乎有些忘乎所以,这令土耳其和伊朗大为紧张。
Entrenchment in the self, consumption of self as a result of self importance or insecurity, strangles empathy. 固守在自我,作为一种自我的重要性,或不安全导致自我消费,扼杀同情。
The Empirical Study of Managerial Entrenchment's Impact on Cash Dividend Policy 经理管理防御对上市公司现金股利政策影响的实证研究
Thinking of the Career Management Countermeasures for Dealing with Managerial Entrenchment 对防范管理防御的职业生涯管理对策的思考
The new regime also saw the entrenchment of the equestrian order ( Imperial period) as the empire's second estate. 当(帝国时代的)罗马骑士团成为帝国的另一特权阶层时,(奥古斯都的)新政权亦从而得到巩固。
Ownership and CEO's Pay Structure: An Analysis Based on Managerial Entrenchment 所有权性质与高管现金薪酬结构&基于管理权力论的分析
Controlling Shareholders Agency: Analysis of Incentive and Entrenchment Effects 控股股东代理的激励与侵占效应分析
At that time, when corporate raiders and leveraged buy-out firms started to shake up complacent managements at US companies, entrenchment was rife. 当时,当企业狩猎者和杠杆收购公司开始撼动美国公司自满的管理层时,固步自封现象很普遍。
The colonists were driven to their last entrenchment, and although the upper seams of the vessel were not yet calked, they decided to launch her at once. 居民们被驱逐到最后的堡垒里去了。虽然新船的上部缝隙还没有填好,他们还是决定让它立刻下水。
Managerial Ownership and Firm Value: Empirical Evi-dence Based on the Convergence of Interest Effects and the Entrenchment Effects 高管持股与企业价值&基于利益趋同效应与壕沟防守效应的经验研究
I said nothing this time, cause I knew, no matter how far a distance would never make a entrenchment between us, cause there will never be a man, love you more than I do. 这一次我没有再说什么。因为我知道,无论多么远的距离,都不会在你我之间辟出一道天堑,因为世界上永远不会有那么一个人,比我更爱你。
Grammaticalization and Lexicalization: A View of the Entrenchment of Symbolic Units 从象征单位的固化看语法化和词汇化
But Alexei Kondaurov, a former KGB general, says the successful conclusion of operation successor will ultimately mean the further entrenchment of the Putin ruling group. 不过,前克格勃(kgb)将军阿列克谢孔道罗夫(alexeikondaurov)指出,“继任者行动”的圆满落幕,最终意味着普京统治集团更为根深蒂固。
There has been a shift in opinion on the issue after a decade of entrenchment. 在那议题上十年的固守之后,有了转变的看法。
The Largest Shareholding and Corporate Valuation: Incentive Effect and Entrenchment Effect; The Impact of the Controlling Shareholder on Top Management Turnover: Evidence from the Listed Companies in China 第一大股东持股和公司价值:激励效应和防御效应第一大股东持股与高层管理人员变更:区间效应的实证研究
Experimental Study on Corporate Investment Myopia Behavior under Managerial Entrenchment 基于管理防御的企业投资短视行为的实验研究
His shortcomings stemmed less from financial entrenchment than sentimental attachment to Yahoo. 他的缺点在更大程度上源自对雅虎的情感依恋,而非财务上的固步自封。
The irrationality of this solution is also discussed because the deeper reason for the entrenchment of a predicate is just that it has good luck. 在确立对称性论点的基础上,论证了牢靠性方案对绿蓝悖论的消解及其不合理性&一个谓词之所以“牢靠”的深层次原因仅仅是因为“运气”。
Study on the Managerial Entrenchment, Capital Structure and Corporate Performance 管理防御、资本结构与公司业绩研究
Right below the entrenchment, you will find another underground bunker. 在堑壕的下方,你能找到另一个地下碉堡。
Research on the Reciprocal Effect of Influencing Factors Managerial Entrenchment 企业经理管理防御影响因素的互动关系分析
Considering the possible widespread entrenchment of the disease in poultry, FAO is advising the government to prepare for a targeted vaccination campaign. 鉴于疾病可能对家禽造成的广泛侵染,粮农组织建议政府做好开展有针对性疫苗接种的准备。
First pass on the majority of Entrenchment sound effects ( no vocals yet). 首先通过对大多数堑壕音效(没有人声尚未)。
But the price has been to ditch past UK policy, which stressed opposition to anything leading to the entrenchment of a "two-tier Europe". 但此举付出的代价却是抛弃英国以往的政策,该政策的重点在于反对一切促成“双层欧洲”鸿沟的行为。
German14th army build Entrenchment on Monte cassino, to defend on allied attack! 德国军队建设对巩固蒙特进犯,保卫专职攻击!