There was in the enunciation of these words, thus repeated, an accent between an exclamation and an interrogation point. 从重复这两句话的声调里,可以辨出惊叹号和疑问号的区别。
A piece can sometimes be divined on the enunciation of the personages; in the same manner a band can almost be judged from the list of ruffians composing it. 我们有时能从一张出场人物表去猜测一个剧本,同样,我们也几乎可以从一张匪徒的名单去估计这匪帮。
After opening the door, the green indicator puts out, the enunciation box door has already been placed in to open status. 开门后,绿色指示灯熄灭,表明箱门已处于开启状态。
The students of radio broadcasting institutes couldn't be traind to have sterling enunciation without the material of dialect. 就像广播学院如果失去了“方言发音资料”,将无法教出普通话纯正的学生。
Patients of other age groups gradually lose their own ability of moving, normal face expression and clear enunciation. 其他各类患者则要度过渐渐失去行动能力的一天又一天,逐渐失去行动的能力、正常的面容、清晰的口齿。
On the Characteristics of Using "Resonance"," Breath" and "Enunciation" in Different Ways of Singing 共鸣、呼吸、吐字在不同唱法中的运用特点
By comparison the second document, with its clear enunciation of the school rules, is precise, and precision always inspires confidence, even if it is a little petty. 相比之下,第二份文件精准无误地阐明了学校规定,而精确往往能激发信心,即使它有点琐碎麻烦。
Singing language is particular about studying for breath's control and use, sound vibration, enunciation and the like. 歌唱语言有气息的运用和控制、声音共鸣以及吐字、咬字等方面的讲究。
Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. 言论使意见得以表达,使真相得以陈述&而这真相就是:这个国家已经出了问题。
Sometimes she can't understand what the students are talking about if they are not good at enunciation. 她告诉记者说,有时候一些学生们说英语时候发音不标准,甚至她都不明白学生们说的什么意思。
Be good at communicating, sense of responsibility, the work is careful, the enunciation is clear. 善于沟通,责任心强,工作细致,口齿清晰。
Many stroke patients in a short period of time prior to the onset of the side appeared physically unable or symptoms of numbness, accompanied by a sudden negative words or Enunciation unclear. 不少中风病人发病前在短时间内出现过一侧肢体无力或麻木症状,伴有突然说话不利或吐字不清。
Singing is the art of creating a variety of vocal images by managing the enunciation and pronunciation in the art of language. 歌唱是通过语言艺术的吐字发音,塑造出各种音乐形象的活动。
Wrote her letters in a colloquial style; the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English. 她以通俗的风格写信;会话体英语不规范的语法和随便的发音。
His voice was cold, sharp, and final, his lips stamping the enunciation of each word like the die of a machine. 他口气冷酷,尖锐而且专断,嘴唇像机器上的铸模一样一个字一个字地敲。
Competent quality enunciation is clear, standard spoken Chinese standard; 胜任素质口齿清晰,普通话标准;
The enunciation in intercourse is bright, report is sensitive, abound the person of sense of humor is welcome, want such, want importantly to have power of meet an emergency. 交际中口齿伶俐,反映敏感,富于幽默感的人是受欢迎的,要如此,重要的要有应变力。
She has a large, resonant voice with clear and accurate enunciation. making a low continuous indistinct sound. 她的发音宏亮清晰,吐字清楚准确。发出低沉连续不清晰的声音的。
Exactitude of breath; Gao position; The enunciation vomit a phrase; The confidence of the song style. 正确的呼吸;高位置;咬字吐词;歌曲风格的把握。
Study the result enunciation, the infant social sex development level and the home education method exist the very high relativity. 研究结果表明,幼儿社会性发展水平与家庭教育方式存在很高的相关性。
Corrective surgery as a teenager, followed by years of practising, gave Brett an enviable pronunciation and enunciation. 所以少年时的矫正治疗和之后年复一年的练习给了布雷特完美且令人羡慕的发音。
There has been the research result enunciation: The student's attitude to mathematics study not only directly influence mathematics study behavior, but also affects mathematics study score and students 'characters directly and the formation of the personality and development. 已有研究结果表明:学生的数学学习态度不仅直接影响数学学习行为,而且还直接影响着数学学习成绩及学生个性与人格的形成与发展。
English is quite different from Chinese in dealing with the standard of correct enunciation. 英汉语言在咬字吐字上的处理有很多不相同的地方,对正确咬字吐字的评价标准也存在着原则性的差异。
Practice the enunciation, that method can increase the result that fingerprint image strengthen with speed. 实践表明,该方法能提高指纹图像增强的效果和速度。
The realization enunciation PLC of the system is in the traditional profession technique reformation of function. 系统的实现表明PLC在传统行业技术改造中的作用。
Have the data enunciation, big and parts of time of the modern people spends indoors, but the quantity of the indoor environment is more and more big to the human body physiology health and the influence of the mental states. 有数据表明,现代人的大部分时间是在室内度过,而室内环境的质量对人体生理健康和精神状态的影响越来越大。
Analytic result by system dynamics model enunciation: The development of our country's predominance industry current still main by labor and funds devotion. 运用系统动力学模型分析的结果表明:我国主导产业的发展目前主要还是靠劳动投入和资金投入来实现的。
During the growth, children speak enunciation unclear, which will affect language development. 患儿在生长发育期间学习说话时吐字不清,会影响到语言的发育。
Study result enunciation, the time calculation and analysis result to actual the engineering have certain of application value. 研究结果表明,本次计算和分析结果对实际工程具有一定的应用价值。
On singing characteristics, the author lays emphasis on specific articulation, enunciation, respiration, resonance, run-cavity and characters 'image. This provides the singer with literal guidance and inspiration on singing these four arias. 在演唱特点上,笔者侧重从具体的咬字、吐字、呼吸、共鸣、润腔及人物形象塑造入手,为演唱者演唱这四首歌剧唱段提供了文字性的引导和启发。