环境保护主义 Environmentalism is used to describe actions and policies which show a concern with protecting and preserving the natural environment, for example by preventing pollution.
Nerdy environmentalism is Mr Gore's forte. 书虫式的环境保护主义正是戈尔先生的拿手好戏。
Which politician would dare tell the people that they should not hold all the trump cards in foreign policy or environmentalism? 有哪个政治家敢对人民说,国家不应该手握外交政策与环境保护的王牌呢?
Environmentalism came in after my father left. 我父亲离开后才出现环保主义这个说法。
And we could look honestly at the impact of radical environmentalism on our ability to drill for oil. 我们也要真诚地看待激进的环境保护论者关于我们使用汽油能力的批评。
It's the quietest story in environmentalism. 这是最和缓的环保故事。
First, however, parties of the centre-right must accept that environmental concerns matter that environmentalism is integral to economic development, not antithetical to it. 然而,中右翼政党首先必须认识到,环境问题很重要,而且环境保护与经济发展密不可分,而不是彼此对立。
Sociological Significance of Living Environmentalism: From the Perspective of Livers in Living Environmentalism 生活环境主义的社会学意义&生活环境主义中的生活者视角
But environmentalism offers no economic theory, only a visceral dislike of any economic calculus. 但环保论没有提供经济理论,只有对所有经济理论的本能厌恶。
The urbane Prof Tiffany is no supporter of red, raw capitalism: he regrets corporate America's reluctant environmentalism, dislikes Washington's close ties to the energy industry and admits that free market capitalism is not always pretty. 彬彬有礼的蒂法尼教授并不支持赤裸裸的资本主义;他为美国公司不情愿的环保态度感到遗憾,不喜欢华盛顿与能源产业的密切联系,承认自由市场资本主义并不总是那么美好。
The topic of environmentalism is both a source of scholarly interest and a cause of political advocacy. 环境保护论的话题既是学术资源,也是一个政治辩护的动机。
Later, you were my beloved Thoreau, father of environmentalism, witness to individual conscience; 后来,你是我敬爱的环保论之父&梭罗,个人良知的见证者;
And maybe, just maybe, the disaster will help reverse environmentalism's long political slide& a slide largely caused by our very success in alleviating highly visible pollution. 或许,仅仅是或许,这次灾难有利于扭转环境主义长期以来存在的政治下滑,这种下滑主要是产生于人们在减轻显然易见污染方面取得的成功。
Our political and economic systems are deeply immature, environmentalists need to spend just as much energy organizing political and economic environmentalism. 我们的政治与经济制度远未完善,环保主义者需要花费更多的精力在政治与经济上发起环保运动。
This user is interested in environmentalism. 该用户的母语是中文。
Great social transformations the end of slavery, the women's and civil rights movements, the end of colonial rule, the birth of environmentalism all began with public awareness and engagement. 蓄奴制的废除、女权运动、殖民地统治的结束及环境保护论的出台,所有这些伟大的社会变革无一不是源于公众的注意和参与。
Tesco isalso reacting to environmentalism by presenting itself as both healthy andgreen. 乐购还通过把自己表现得健康和绿色来回应环保主义。
Children are able to learn about environmentalism during the activity. 在做灯笼的过程中,孩子们也学到了环保观念。
Trashion is a philosophy and an ethic encompassing environmentalism and innovation. “垃圾时尚”其实是环保主义和革新论的综合体现。
In the spirit of environmentalism, the people exercise self-discipline to maintain and care for their pristine surroundings. 人民都能自我克制,爱护环境,实现环保精神。
Tesco is also reacting to environmentalism by presenting itself as both healthy and green. 乐购也试图通过展现健康、色的形象对环保主义做出回应。
Henry David Thoreau ( 1817-1862), a key figure of ecological literature, has long been considered as a model for environmentalism. 亨利·大卫·梭罗(1817-1862)是生态文学的关键代表人物之一,常常被捧为环境主义者的典范。
At the theoretical level, there is an intrinsic conflict between EJ and non-anthropocentric environmentalism. 在理论的层次,环境正义与根源于自然中心主义的环境主义间,存在著难解的矛盾。
The Jivamukti Yoga method emphasizes asana, vinyasa, scriptural study, devotion, prayer, music, chanting and meditation as well as animal rights, veganism, environmentalism and political activism. 吉瓦目克提瑜伽法着重体位、流式、圣经学习、虔诚、祈祷、音乐、唱诵、冥想及动物权利、素食主义者、环境保护和政治活动。
One explanation is that environmentalism and thriftiness have made growing vegetables trendy, an idea that is supported by growing shortage of allotments. 其中一个解释是环保主义和勤俭节约之风使得种植蔬菜成为潮流,而这一想法也是由副业生产地日渐紧缺带来的。
The colour is used as a synonym for environmentalism. 这种颜色已经成了环境保护论的同义词。
In the21st century, environmentalism and energy sources have been to the two major topics in the world. 21世纪环保和能源问题成为全球的两大重要课题。
Consumerism in this second sense and environmentalism, both powerful in Western societies, do not coexist comfortably. 作为这第二种意思的消费主义与环保主义在西方国家都很有势力,但二者是不能和睦共存的。
Student leaders of the 1968 generation who often emerged to run these parties championed issues such as gender equality, gay marriage and environmentalism. 1968一代的学生领袖往往出落成这些党的领袖,他们支持男女平等、同性恋婚姻和环境保护主义等议题。
For many people, environmentalism has taken the place of socialism as a focus of anti-market sentiment. 对许多人来说,环境保护论已取代社会主义,成了反市场情绪的焦点。
The problem for China, though, is that environmentalism is a bottom-up movement in the rest of the world. 这个问题对中国来说,虽然是,环保是一种自底向上运动在世界其余地区。